- He ordered his men to open fire. 他命令士兵开火。
- The officer commandedhis men to open fire. 军官命令士兵开火。
- If you have any questions for our guest speaker, open fire now. 如果你们有什么问题要问我们的客座讲演者,请现在开始提。
- The enemy opened fire on our lines at early dawn. 拂晓时敌人向我防线开了火。
- He prefers open fires to stoves or radiators. 他喜欢用明火取暖,不喜欢炉子或暖气。
- We are waiting for the signal to open fire. 我们在等待开火的信号。
- At no point will soldiers open fire on civilians. 士兵任何时刻都不能向平民开枪。
- The officer bade the soldiers open fire. 军官命令士兵们开火。
- They regrouped and were ordered to open fire. 他们变更了部署,并接到命令开火。
- The commander gave orders to open fire. 指挥官下令开火。
- The company commander ordered us to open fire. 连长命令我们开火。
- FC: Primary Target in range. Open fire!! 舰队指挥官:首要目标进入杀伤范围。开火!)
- He dodged to left and right as the gunman opened fire. 持枪歹徒开火时他东躲西闪。
- "Open fire!" shouted the captain. “开火!”船长喊道。
- Gaz: We're compromised! Open fire! 加斯:我们被发现了!开火!
- The army was ordered to open fire on the crowd. 军队接到命令,向群众开火。
- Cooked outdoors over an open fire. 在户外的火堆上烤。
- Cooked outdoors over an open fire . 在户外的火堆上烤。
- At daybreak our machine guns opened fire. 黎明时,我们的机关枪开火了。
- They opened fire, killing one of our patrolmen. 他们开枪打死了我们一个巡逻兵。