- open end effect 开端效应
- The membrane stretched over the open end of a drum. 鼓面绷在鼓开口端的膜
- Press stem/ball into valve body and remove from open end. 将阀杆/球体压入阀体内,并且从开口端卸下来。
- The tube is placed open end in a cistern partially filled with mercury. 管子以开口一端插入部分装有水银的槽内。
- Unscrew body halves using open end or adjustable wrench on flats provided. 采用预备好的平头上开口或可调节扳手拧下一半阀体上的螺丝。
- In this paper, we study the optimal liquidation str ategy of the Open end Fund. 研究了开放式基金持有多种股票的最优变现策略问题。
- ADJ externally molded onto the body to indicate the open end used for assembly. 调整)模铸在阀体的外部,表示用于组装的开口端口。
- The tube is socated open end in a cistern partially filled with mercury. 管子以开口一端插入部份装有水银的槽内。
- The request is sent and the result is received asynchronously from the Web service so the end effect is similar to using the UpdatePanels control. 从Web服务中以异步方式发送请求和接收结果,因此最终结果与使用UpdatePanels控件类似。
- Dynamic end effect of single sided linear induction motor (SLIM) is caused by the eddy current in the secondary with the increase of SLIM speed. 研究直线感应电动机动态边端效应特性可知,电机次级涡流是产生动态边端效应的主要原因。
- The end effect and this is hardly surprising is that both these aspects are inseparably linked to one another and they are nutually interdependent. 总览发展新趋势。最后的结论几乎不会使人吃惊:这两个方面彼此紧密联系,相辅相成。
- Advanced Techniques for the Modern Drummer, Volume II-Independence-The Open End. 这更为复杂的鼓技展现的一本著作。
- Open End Credit A pre-approved loan that may be used repeatedly up to a certain limit. 开放性信贷预先核准,可重复使用,直至达到预定限额的贷款。
- Make a narrow tube to fit over the boning from lightweight lining. Inert the boning, and finish the open end. 用薄的衬里缝制一个窄的直筒装羽骨。塞进羽骨,封住两端。
- We are interested to buy terry towel 320GSM, Open End, 10s. Please offer your best prices per KG FOB Karachi. 我们有兴趣购买320GSM厚绒布毛巾;10s开口端.;请报最优惠的雅加达离岸价
- Info:We can produce Polyester and Viscose open end yarn/Polyester and Viscose OE yarn. All the spindle ...... 主要材质:涤纶次要材质:粘胶/人造丝颜色:本白用途:针织
- Accounting for the static longitudinal end effect, FEM is used to calculate the nonlinear inductance parameters of reactive linear synchronous motor with electromagnetic reduction speed. 基于有限元法;考虑静态纵向边端效应的影响;计算出反应式减速直线同步电机的非线性电感参数;提出用电流电感系数来表征电流对电感的影响;简化了非线性问题的分析.
- Nature dispenses breathtaking diversity because its charter is open ended. 大自然[之所以能]施予[生物]惊人的多样性,原因在于其宪章是可扩展的。
- By this method, various pictures of flowing fluid in the three zones, i.e. the end effect zone, the block packing zone and the shell zone of RS dimple wire mesh packing and foam metal packing at different operating conditions were taken. 对旋转床内泡沫金属填料与RS波纹丝网填料下不同区域(填料进口区、填料主体区及填料外空腔区)及不同转速、液量等操作条件的流体流动状况进行拍照,得到大量清晰可辨的照片,最终获得旋转床内各流态及其分布等大量信息。
- Survival Crisis Z is an open ended post-apocalyptic zombie survival adventure. 生存危机, z是一个开放名额后世界末日僵尸生存冒险。