- open cycle gas turbine engine 开式循环燃气轮机
- Open cycle gas turbine installation 开式循环燃气轮机装置
- regenerative cycle gas turbine engine 再生回热式燃气轮机
- Wave Rotor Topping Cycle Gas Turbine Engine Technology 波转子增压循环发动机技术
- open cycle gas turbine 开式循环燃气轮机
- simple cycle gas turbine engine 简单循环燃气轮机
- The aerodynamic performance of turbomachinery for an gas turbine engine based on a semi-closed cycle employing carbon dioxide as the primary working fluid was analyzed. 本文对采用二氧化碳作为基本工作流体的半闭环燃气轮机循环的空气动力学特性进行了详尽的分析。
- Horlock J.H.“Combined Cycle Gas Turbine(CCGT) Plants,” Pergaman Press Ltd.,1992. 黄胜良,”复循环电厂概论与能源利用”,前程出版社,民国90年初版。
- In an IC (intercooling) cycle gas turbine,intercoolers are components that exercise a major influence on the gas turbine performance. 在间冷(IC)循环燃气轮机中,间冷器是对燃气轮机性能有重要影响的部件。
- Cutaway of the PW 4000112-in(284.48cm) gas turbine engine ,showing fan bypass section. 涡轮发动机剖面图,展示风扇旁路部分。
- Kawasima T,Iinuma H,Minagawa N.Optical Semiconductor Blade Vibration Monitoring System for Gas Turbine Engine[J]. 胡广书.;数字信号处理之理论、算法与实现[M]
- The exhaust from the cylinders spins the turbine, which works like a gas turbine engine. 气缸内排出的尾气带动涡轮旋转,这就和燃气涡轮引擎类似。
- Gas turbine engines use the Brayton cycle.Wankel rotary engines use the Otto cycle, but they do it in a very different way than four-stroke piston engines. 转子活塞发动机用的是四冲程循环,但是它们和四冲程活塞发动机有很大不同。
- AXIAL FLOW COMPRESSOR, A type of compressor used in a gas turbine engine in which air passes through the compressor in a straight flow, front to rear. 轴流压缩机,一种用于燃气涡轮发动机内的压气机。空气由发动机的前部轴向流人,压缩后,由后部流出。
- The APU is a singe shaft gas turbine engine with a two stage centrifugal compressor, a single combustion chamber and one radial inflow turbine. APU是一个单轴气动涡轮发动机,它有一个两级离心压气机,一个单燃烧室和一个径向内流式涡轮。
- The development history of aviation engine oil is briefly described, and the trend of future aviation gas turbine engine oil is predicted. 简述了航空燃气涡轮发动机油的发展历史,预测了未来航空燃气涡轮发动机油的发展动向。
- The engine of 929 is using 2X Rolls Royce Allison 501KF Gas Turbine engine, and Rockwell Powerjet 50 Waterjet System........ 呢款船我搭过几次,未"起飞"真系颇泡的,但飞起左就好定,仲有,呢只船既引擎声好正架!
- The M1-A1 Abrams is powered by a 1,500hp gas turbine engine and is the premier main battle tank for the United States Military. M1-A1艾布拉姆由一个1500马力的燃气涡轮发动机提供动力,是美国军队最重要的主战坦克。
- Egorov I N. Optimization of multistage axial compressor in a gas turbine engine system[ J]. ASME paper, 92 - GT - 424 1992. 鞠云峰译.;轴流气机采用人工智能和数值优化技术初步设计[J]
- Distributed Simple Cycle Gas Turbine CHP Plant 分布式小型燃气轮机单循环热电厂