- Landline phones are an open channel. 固定电话表示着一种公开渠道。
- Open Channel and Longitudinal Cofferdam Project Attributed to CGGC. 承建的导流明渠和纵向围堰工程。
- Henderson, F. M. 1966. Open channel flow, Macmillan, New York, NY. 蔡长泰;渠道水力学讲义;成大水利系.
- The hydrometric pendulum is sometimes used to determine flow velocities in open channels. 测流速的摆锤有时用于确定明渠中的流速。
- Only the lock is a tensioned part of the handle frame with an open channel. 只不过锁定装置是刀柄上一个有张力的打开部分。
- Drainage is a general term applied to fluid flow along all pipes or open channels which take liquid wastes or rain water. 排水是个通用名词,指沿各种废水或雨水管道或明渠流动的液体。
- Karez are generally illegal channels, open channel, shaft, and waterlogging dam four-part organization. 坎儿井一般由暗道、明渠、竖井和涝坝四部分组织。
- These meters find wide use in open channel measurement and are usually a type of weir or flume. 这些流量计在明渠测量中得到广泛地应用,通常是以水槽或堰的形式出现。
- It opens channels from heart to heart so that feelings can flow reciprocally. 它打开诚实的渠道,以便情感能相互地流动。
- A land drain is usually a pipe buried in farm land but it may also be an open channel. 农田的排水系统通常是埋在农田中的管子,但也可以是明渠。
- Compared with other types of open channel cross-section, the cubic parabola shape open channel is one of the open channels which convey water more efficiently. 与其他形式断面渠道的比较结果表明,立方抛物线形断面渠道也是一种水力较优的输水渠道。
- It is usually found that the supercritical flow condition in river or open channel occurs at the steep-sloped reach. 摘要:陡坡段的河川或渠道中常形成超临界流况,水流速度较快且流况复杂,是水力学中主要的研究课题之一。
- It was aimed at the hydraulic-sediment problems arising from 90 lateral open channel water intaking. 明渠岸边横向引水是被广泛采用的一种取水方式。
- Modeling of oxidation ditches using an open channel flow 1-D advection dispersion equation and ASMI process description. 氧化沟工艺处理低浓度城市污水的研究。
- S/he primed the device and set it down beside hir, glancing at the blinking light on hir bracelet that indicated an open channel. S/他在 hir 旁边精华了装置而且放下它,注视那眨眼在指出了一个开放的频道 hir 手镯上的光。
- During the consultation period, the Task Force has received more than 480 submissions from organisations and individuals through various open channels, such as emails, posts and facsimiles. 在谘询期间,专责小组透过电邮、邮递、传真等公开途径,共收到480多份团体和个别人士的意见书。
- Open channel flow is a sort of generalize for water flow phenomenon, which water stream with free surface be leashed by solid boundary with finity scale. 明渠水流是对具有自由表面的水流在有限尺度的固体边界约束下流动现象的一种概化。
- As a qualitative analysis,finite element method gets a more satisfactory result in describing the propagation of the long wave of open channel unconstant flow. 作为一种定性分析,有限单元法对描述明渠非恒定流长波的传播给出了满意的结果。
- A common problem with the open channel in silty mud coast area is siltation,and the drastic sand siltation under the actions of storm wave occurred frequently. 粉砂淤泥质海岸开挖的开敞航道,普遍存在淤积问题,而且在风暴浪作用过后,经常出现泥沙大量骤淤现象。
- Bouvard, M., and Petkovic, S., Vertical dispersion of spherical heavy particles in turbulent open channel flow, J. Hydr. Res., Vol. 23, No.1, 1985, 5-19. 王光谦.;固液两相流与颗粒流的动理论和试验研究