- The door burst open and in rushed the crowd. 门突然一下被砸开,一群人蜂拥而入。
- Her mouth open and shut, but no sound come out. 她的嘴张开又闭上了,没有发出声音。
- His face was busted open and bleeding. 他的脸被打得皮开血流。
- The door burst open and the children barged in. 门突然打开,一群小孩子闯进来。
- The design of the carpet is classic and elegant. 这些地毯图案设计得很典雅优美。
- Suddenly the box split open and a puppy jumped out. 箱子突然打开,从里面蹦出只小狗。
- A man's demeanor is high and elegant. 器宇高雅。
- I have in mind something slim and elegant. 我原先想要的是穿着苗条而优雅的衣服。
- The suitcase burst open and its contents rained on the floor. 手提箱裂开了,里面的东西纷纷落在地板上。
- The check box is simple, visual, and elegant. 复选框具有简单、可见和优雅的特点。
- This kind of mink coat is noBle and elegant. 这种貂皮大衣,高贵典雅。
- The author's style is spare and elegant. 这个作者有一种不加渲染的优雅风格。
- His brushstrokes are fluid, vigorous and elegant. 他的作品笔墨灵逸,畅快淋漓,劲健繁茂、沉郁秀雅
- They are well-structured and elegant. 他们口感平衡度好,品质一流。
- The gentleman was well-educated, and elegant. 这位先生受过良好的教育,气度高雅。
- You always buy something cheap and elegant. 你买的东西总是价廉物美。
- He was frank, open and aboveboard. 他胸怀坦白,光明磊落。
- He alternates between casual and elegant attire. 他在便装和套装中做出选择。
- I think you are a mature and elegant woman. 我认为你是个成熟优雅的女子.
- The angry father flung the door open and left. 愤怒的父亲猛地一下打开门,走了。