- oophoro salpingectomy 卵巢输卵管切除术
- Hydrosalpinx: Neosalpingostomy or IVF-ET after Salpingectomy? - 输卵管积水:整形术还是切除术后行IVF?
- Title: Hydrosalpinx: Neosalpingostomy or IVF-ET after Salpingectomy? 关键词:输卵管积水;不孕症;IVF-ET;输卵管切除术;输卵管整形术
- So the salpingectomy can not be performed in patients un dergoing IVF - ET in whom the other ovary has already been damaged or missing. 因此,临床上对有生育要求的异位妊娠患者,应尽可能地保留患侧输卵管。
- There is a statistic significance between conservative tubal surgery group and salpingectomy group (P<0.01). 不孕在两组分别是28.;3%25和43
- A prophylatic laparoscopic salpingectomy prior to IVF in patients with hydrosalpinges can be performed. 输卵管积水患者拟行IVF-ET前预防性切除输卵管是可行的。
- Conclusion Salpingectomy has no effect on ovarian volume in short pe riod, but has detrimental effect on ipsilateral ovarian function. 结论输卵管切除术在短期内虽然不能影响卵巢的体积,但却降低了同侧卵巢的储备功能。
- Conclusions: Salpingectomy has no significant detrimental effect on the total ovarian performance during IVF-ET treatment or the outcome of IVF-ET. 结论:输卵管切除术对IVF-ET周期中卵巢反应性以及妊娠率无显著影响。
- Objective To investigate the effect of salpingectomy on the function of ovary in patients undergoing an IVF - ET treatment cycle. 目的探讨输卵管切除后对卵巢功能的影响。
- Two cases were misdiagnosed as threatened abortion and finally diagnosed as HP by laparotomy, and then salpingectomy was performed. 均误诊为先兆流产,经剖腹探查术最终确诊为HP,行患侧输卵管切除术,2例均分娩活婴。
- Objective To investigate the clinical value of laparoscopic salpingectomy after ligating using lasso in treating interstitial tubal pregnancy. 目的探讨腹腔镜下输卵管套扎法切除间质部妊娠的临床应用价值。
- Objective:To investigate the effects of superovulation in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer(IVF-ET) treatment on the ovarian reserve function after bilateral salpingectomy. 目的:探讨双侧输卵管切除术在体外授精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)中超促排卵对卵巢储备功能的影响。
- Among the patients who had undergone salpingectomy, there were no differences in the numbers of retrieved oocytes from the ovary on the operated side and contralateral side. 单侧输卵管切除的患者中输卵管切除侧卵巢获卵数少于对侧,但差异无显著性。
- Basing upon the nature of the disease,the main therapeutic interventions are salpingectomy plus ipsilateral cornual resection and/or curettage, under the guidance of B ultrasonography or endos copy. 治疗应根据病情,采取子宫角部加同侧输卵管切除术和在B超或内镜的引导下刮宫手术为主。
- The treatments included salpingectomy and ipsilateral cornual resection in 14 cases, curettage in 5 cases, hysterectomy in 3cases, cornual repair in 2 cases and 2 cases with chemotherapy. 治疗措施包括子宫角部加同侧输卵管切除术14例,刮宫5例,次全子宫切除术3例,修补2例,化疗2例。
- Among the patients who had un dergone salpingectomy, significantly fewer follicles developed and consequently fewer oocytes were retrieved from the o vary on the operated side( P < 0.01, P < 0.05 ). 而存留一侧输卵管患者与对照组相比,在卵巢大小、用药量、用药天数、子宫内膜厚度、卵泡数及所获卵子数上并无显著差别。
- Effect of salpingectomy on ovarian function 输卵管切除术对卵巢功能的影响
- B:21 cycles and with salpingectomy before IVF-ET; B组:21个周期,术前切除积水输卵管;
- laparoscopy-assisted salpingectomy 腹腔镜输卵管切除术
- Salpingectomy of remaining fallopian tube 剩余输卵管切除术