- It is an authentic work of Qi Baishi. 这是齐白石的真迹。
- Cabbage is a well-known example of Qi's work. “白菜”是齐白石的一个著名作品。
- The State of Qi grew more powerful day by day. 这样,齐国变得越来越富,齐国人过得越来越好,而国王的威望,自然也就越来越高了。
- The blood serves as the mother of Qi. 血为气之母
- The man of Qi worries in case the sky should fall. 杞人忧天。
- ontology of Qi “气”本体论
- There is a minister called Yan Ying in the state of Qi. 齐国有一个叫晏婴的大臣。
- The disharmony of qi and blood may cause various diseases. 气血不和,百病乃变化而生。
- Is It Possible to Interpret the Ontology of Marxian Philosophy? 对马克思哲学的存在论解读是否可能?
- The prince was given a warm reception in the State of Qi. 晋文公在齐国得到了很好的接待,齐恒公还把齐国的一个公主嫁给了他。
- The king of Qi was released and pleased with Chunyu Kun. 齐威王松了一口气,十分满意淳于髡的表现,并决定设宴为他庆功。
- The paper points out Zhang Zai built the first philosophic system of Qi ontology in the history of Chnese philosophy. 摘要张载提出“太虚即气”、“天地之性”、“天人合一”等命题,在中国哲学史上第一次建立了气本体论的哲学体系。
- From the history of the State of Qi, we can draw the conclusion. 从齐国的历史发展过程中可以总结出这一规律。
- Title: Is It Possible to Interpret the Ontology of Marxian Philosophy? 关键词:存在论解读;形而上学;存在;人道主义
- What novelties do information and communications technologies contribute to the ontology of technical objects? 信息与通信技术究竟捐献给技术对象的本体什么新奇的事物?
- The ontology of NBG includes classes as well as sets; a set is a class that is a member of another class. NBG的本体论同集合一样包括类;类是有成员但不是其他类的成员的实体。
- Do you think it meaningful to be a petty King of Qi? 您觉得做小小的齐王有意思吗?
- At last , the emotion ontology of Chinese classic verse is established since Wei Jin. 最后分析魏晋以来情感诗学的发展和情感本体论的确立。
- For conducting the flow of qi and blood through the body. 负责气血在体内的传导。
- In the West, "the ontology of language" of Heidegger and Gadamer expounds it thoughtfully. 在西方,海德格尔、加达默尔的语言本体论对此问题作出高度思辨性的解说。