- ontological reducfionism 本体论的还原论
- Title: Ontological Semantic Integration Model Degree: M.S. 本体语义集成模型。
- Does Modern Chaos Furnish Evidence to Ontological Indeterminism? 现代混沌学为“本体非决定论”提供了科学证据吗?
- Questioning closely means existential ontological questing. 追问乃是对生存本体论的寻求。
- From this point, Yi zhuan unfolded its ontological philosophical system. 由此展开了其易道本体论哲学体系。
- According to Marx, the ontological dimension is original and these two dimensions are based on praxis. 其中本体论维度是始源性的,而这两个维度统一在实践的基础上。
- Both the ontological egoism by Descartes and the functional egoism by Kant reveal this tendency. 无论是笛卡尔的实体性自我,还是康德的功能性自我,都体现着这种确定性追求的努力方向。
- It is the idea that we can make no firm ontological divide in the field of existence. 就是,在存在领域当中,我们没有关于实体论的明显的分歧。
- It seems to be a third basic ontological kind, and the Internet is the realm of information par excellance. 作者因此提出了信息作为认识论领域的第三个基本类别。
- Ontological data is a structured description of the content within a realm of a specific subject. 本体数据是对特定主题领域中的内容的一种结构化描述。
- Various problems brought by quantum gravity present more unsolvable ontological and epistemological problems. 量子引力中的各种问题带来了一系列意义深远的本体论与认识论的问题。
- "Concrete utopia" of Bloch represents the ontological concrete of Western Marxism. 布洛赫的“具体的乌托邦”则代表着当代西方马克思主义对具体性进行的本体论探索。
- Its validity is self evident in ontological existence and works on the axiomatic level of reality. 其有效性是本性明显在存在论中存在而运转在实相自明层面上。
- The nature of belief crisis based on self-exist crisis is the ontological crisis about being integrally of man. 信仰危机的实质在于人的自身的生存论的危机,是人的完整存在的本体论危机。
- However, such freedom of the individual is the basis of subjective consciousness, is ontological sense of freedom. 然而这种自由是以个人的主观意识为基础,是本体论意义上的自由。
- The study of Western engineering philosophy has achieved elementary scale, and ontological study is its foundation. 摘要西方工程哲学研究目前已初具雏形,但学者们对工程概念的理解则各执己见。
- At this point McX begins;to wonder whether there is any limit at all to our ontological immunity. 这时麦克西开始想知道,我们的本体论的免疫性是否有任何限度。
- The ambiguity of ontological borders proves to be the fragmentation and complication of modern society. 对故事进行重建的愿望已经不可能。本体界线的模糊,证明了现代社会的碎片化、复杂化。
- Philosophic exegetics invited attacks from relativism because of its ontological interpretation of the meaning of text. 摘要哲学解释学对文本意义的本体论诠释使其招致相对主义的责备。
- Universal Darwinism is ontological and its corresponding mechanism takes effect in a long period. 广义达尔文主义是本体论,对应的“自然选择机制”作用周期较长。