- This kind of sagely learning does not appear on the analytical "horizon" of ontological hermeneutics; 这种以心性修养为基础的圣人之学,并不在存有诠释学的视域之中。
- ontological Hermeneutics 本体论的解释学
- Therefore, Hirsch's hermeneutics has a modern form. 所以,赫施的传统阐释学观点又是现代形式的。
- The ontological transformation of philosophical hermeneutics, aiming to get out of the plight of modernity, was not successful and foreshadowed the emergence of postmodern hermeneutics. 哲学解释学的本体论转向旨在走出现代性困境。客观地说,这一突围并不成功,相反,它还为后现代主义解释学的兴起埋下了伏笔。
- Title: Ontological Semantic Integration Model Degree: M.S. 本体语义集成模型。
- There are plenty of ideology of hermeneutics in 77k Mencius. 《孟子》一书中蕴含着丰富的诠释学思想。
- Does Modern Chaos Furnish Evidence to Ontological Indeterminism? 现代混沌学为“本体非决定论”提供了科学证据吗?
- Questioning closely means existential ontological questing. 追问乃是对生存本体论的寻求。
- Hermeneutics and hermeneutics today. Unity of revelation. 释经学原则:启示的统一性。
- Is Translation of Poetry Merely the Hermeneutics and Reconstruction of Meaning? 诗歌的翻译就是意义的阐释和重建吗?
- From this point, Yi zhuan unfolded its ontological philosophical system. 由此展开了其易道本体论哲学体系。
- As a critical discourse, hermeneutics has involved a linguistic paradigm. 解释学作为一种批评话语一直强调其语言学范式。
- According to Marx, the ontological dimension is original and these two dimensions are based on praxis. 其中本体论维度是始源性的,而这两个维度统一在实践的基础上。
- Both the ontological egoism by Descartes and the functional egoism by Kant reveal this tendency. 无论是笛卡尔的实体性自我,还是康德的功能性自我,都体现着这种确定性追求的努力方向。
- Emphasized that hermeneutics was not simply a comprehending all of human expression. He. 他强调诠释学不仅仅是一种理解人类的全部表达方式的科学。
- Held that the distinctive method of hermeneutics was required for the study of the human realm. 但是他坚持需要有自身特征的诠释学方法来进行人文科学的研究。
- It is the idea that we can make no firm ontological divide in the field of existence. 就是,在存在领域当中,我们没有关于实体论的明显的分歧。
- It seems to be a third basic ontological kind, and the Internet is the realm of information par excellance. 作者因此提出了信息作为认识论领域的第三个基本类别。
- Gadamer shares with Augustine the basic ideas in this aspect, which is the key to a deep understanding of philosophical hermeneutics. 伽达默尔在这方面与奥古斯丁存在着的内在的一致性,是我们深刻地理解哲学解释学的思想之关键。
- Ontological data is a structured description of the content within a realm of a specific subject. 本体数据是对特定主题领域中的内容的一种结构化描述。