- The stained, slippery grass, the darkened mulberries, told only half the story. 那血迹斑斑的湿润的青草和变黑了的白桑树只能讲叙这个故事的一部分。
- "Producer in one company,drama adviser in another,lecturer and occasional actor," says the blurb of one of his hooks,but that is only half the story. 他的一本著作的简介吹嘘说,“他是某剧团舞台监督,某剧团的戏剧顾问,还是讲演者和特约演员”,但这还只是他的一部分头衔呢。
- Food safety concerns make compelling news, but without adequate information and context, its all too easy for only half the story to be told. 食品安全问题可以制造引人注目的新闻,却没有充足的信息和内容,只作一半的报道实在是太容易了。
- Producer in one company, drama adviser in another, lecturer and occasional actor,” says the blurb of one of his hooks, but that is only half the story. 他的一本著作的简介吹嘘说,“他是某剧团舞台监督,某剧团的戏剧顾问,还是讲演者和特约演员”,但这还只是他的一部分头衔呢。
- "Producer in one company, drama adviser in another, lecturer and occasional actor, "says the blurb of one of his hooks, but that is only half the story. 他的一本著作的简介吹嘘说,“他是某剧团舞台监督,某剧团的戏剧顾问,还是讲演者和特约演员”,但这还只是他的一部分头衔呢。
- "Producer in one company, drama adviser in another, lecturer and occasional actor," says the blurb of one of his hooks, but that is only half the story. 他的一本著作的简介吹嘘说,“他是某剧团舞台监督,某剧团的戏剧顾问,还是讲演者和特约演员”,但这还只是他的一部分头衔呢。
- Icelanders will tell you that only the fittest survived, but that is only half the story, because survival requires another key attribute: stubbornness. 冰岛人会告诉你,只有最适者才能生存,但那只是故事的一半,因为生存需要另一个关键属性:顽强。
- Finding peers is only half the battle. 找到对等点只是成功了一半。
- But a moocher is only half the problem. 但是,游手好闲者是问题的一半;
- If I have company on the way, the walk to the village seems to take only half the time. 如果路上我有人同行,步行到那个村子就只要用很短的时间。
- Having brains is only half the battle. 动脑是成功的保证。
- We pride ourselves that our quality copier is only half of the story. 我们自己感到自豪的是,我们的复印机质量好仅仅是一个方面。
- “Producer in one company,drama adviser in another,lecturer and occasional actor,”says the blurb of one of his hooks,but that is only half the story. 他的一本著作的简介吹嘘说,“他是某剧团舞台监督,某剧团的戏剧顾问,还是讲演者和特约演员”,但这还只是他的一部分头衔呢。
- The reporter boiled the story down to half the original length. 报告人把原稿压缩了一半。
- Only half the company got across the bridge before it was blown up. 桥断之前,只有一半人走了过去。
- “Producer in one company, drama adviser in another, lecturer and occasional actor,” says the blurb of one of his hooks, but that is only half the story. 他的一本著作的简介吹嘘说,“他是某剧团舞台监督,某剧团的戏剧顾问,还是讲演者和特约演员”,但这还只是他的一部分头衔呢。
- I apportioned half the property to each of them. 我把财产的一半分配给他们各人。
- They need to be aware that those biomarkers might be telling only half of the story. 他们必须意识到那些生物标记物可能只能识别一半的事实。”
- Authentication is only half the battle in the Java security framework. 认证只是Java安全框架任务的一半。
- I worried half the night and have a fitful sleep. 我半个晚上都一直在担心,故而时醒时睡。