- Powerword searching is the online version of the famous software "Powerword",which provides online searching and translating service for free. 金山词霸搜索是著名词典软件《金山词霸》的在线版本,提供免费在线词典查词翻译服务。
- The website Sina.cn also undeniably merits this distinction, because what Baidu is to online searching, Sina is to online news. 新浪同样也不可否认的占有优势,因为百度是做在线搜多的,而新浪做的是在线新闻。
- Buyers'Choice of Online Search Strategy and Its Managerial Implications By: Sen, Ravi; King, Ruth C.; Shaw, Michael J. 购买者的网络搜寻策略选择及其管理含义。
- Caption aerospace floated, do not know prop body to want what to say, vehicle? Oneself get online search! 标题太空泛了,不知道具体要说什么,交通工具吗?自己上网找吧!
- He also told the Australian audience that Microsoft saw an opportunity to reinvent the online search process. 巴尔默说:”我想在搜索方面一定还存在某种合伙的机会,但是我想收购已经成为了往事“
- Asserting that many online search engines are concealing the impact special fees have on search results by Internet users. 意思是说搜索引擎隐瞒了网络使用者得到搜索结果的特殊费用,可以看出是这个机构是抱怨用户被收取了特殊费用费,所以答案是。
- DATA SOURCES An online search of Medline database was undertaken to identify relevant articles published in English between January 1980 and April 2004 by using the
of "lycopene? immune". 资料来源:应用计算机检索Medline数据库1980-01/2004-04期间的相关文章,检索词“lycopene,immune”,限定文章语言种类为英文。 - DATA SOURCES: A computer-based online search of Elsevier SDOS was undertaken to identify the articles about liver tissue engineering published in English between January 2000 and December 2005 with the of "liver-tissue engineering, scaffold, hepatocyte". 资料来源:应用计算机检索Elsevier SDOS 2000-01/2005-12有关肝组织工程的文章,检索词“liver-tissue engineering,scaffold,hepatocyte”,限定文章语言种类为English。
- DATA SOURCES: A computer-based online search of Medline and Elsevier was undertaken to identify the articles about tissue engineered ACL published between January 1993 and December 2006 with the of "tissue engineering, ACL, scaffold". 资料来源:应用计算机检索Medline和Elsevier1993-01/2006-12相关组织工程学前交叉韧带的文章。 检索词“tissue engineering,ACL,scaffold”,并限定文章的语言种类为English。
- DATA SOURCES: A computer-based online search of Medline database between January 2001 and March 2006 was undertaken to identify relevant articles published in English by using the keywords of "proteomics, leukemia". 资料来源:应用计算机检索Medline2001-01/2006-03期间的相关文章,检索词“proteomics、leukemia”,并限定文章语言种类为英文。
- DATA SOURCES: A computer-based online search of OVID database was undertaken to identify articles about artificial bile duct published in English from January 1966 to October 2006 with Keyword of "artificial bile duct". 资料来源:通过计算机检索OVID数据库1966-01/2006-10有关人工胆管的文献,检索词“artificial bile duct”,限定文章语言种类为English。
- DATA SOURCES: A computer-based online search of OVID database was undertaken to identify articles about osteofibrous dysplasia published in English from January 1966 to October 2006 with the key words of "osteofibrous dysplasia". 资料来源:通过计算机互联网检索OVID数据库1966-01/2006-10关于骨纤维结构不良的文献,检索词:Osteofibrous dysplasia,限定语言种类为English。
- DATA SOURCES: A computer-based online search of Pubmed database was undertaken for articles about BAHA published in English between January 1990 and April 2005 with the key words of "bone anchored hearing aid,BAHA". 资料来源:应用计算机检索Pubmed数据库1990-01/2005-04有关骨锚式助听器的文章,检索词“boneanchoredhearingaids,BAHA”,限定文章语言种类为English。
- DATA SOURCES: An online search of Medline was undertaken to identify articles about the rhabdomyolysis published in English between January 1989 and April 2006 by using the of "rhabdomyolysis". 资料来源:检索Medline1989-01/2006-04与横纹肌溶解症相关的文章,检索词“rhabdomyolysis”,并限定文章语言种类为English。
- DATA SOURCES: An online search of PUBMED was undertaken to identify correlative English articles published from January 1998 to December 2006 by using the keywords of "ooplasmic transfer, mitochondria heteroplasmy,animal cloning". 资料来源:应用计算机检索PUBMED 1998-01/2006-12期间的相关文章,检索词为“ooplasmic transfer,mitochondria heteroplasmy,animal cloning”,并限定文章语言种类为English。
- Searching lights traversed the sky. 探照灯扫过天空。
- DATA SOURCES:An online search was conducted to look up the articles between 1985 and 2006 in Elsevier SDOL by inputting words of "traditional Chinese medicine ion-introduction,closed soft tissue injury",and the language was limited as English. 资料来源:应用计算机检索Elsevier SDOL数据库1985/2006与中药离子导入治疗闭合性软组织损伤相关文章,检索词“traditional Chinese medicine ion-introduction,closed soft tissue injury”,并限定文章语言种类为“English”。
- Through literature and online searches, I realized one of the reasons is that people are equating risk to hazard.Using risks in transgenic foods to stop any transgenic plants. 通过查证资料和网上搜索,我发现其中一个原因是由于那些反对转基因的组织和人士把“风险”等同于“危险”,以转基因有风险为由反对推广任何一种转基因作物。
- Based upon Dialog online search, we use Derwent World Patents Index (DWPI) and Derwent Patents Citation Index (DPCI) as data sources to analyze the patents in PEM fuel cell industry. 本文基于Dialog联机检索,以德温特世界专利索引数据库和专利引文索引数据库为数据源,对质子交换膜(PEM)燃料电池行业进行了专利分析研究。
- This paper introduces the China patent online search system of SIPO and CNPAT, and makes a full comparison and evaluation between them in the aspects of their covering range and retrieval methods. 主要介绍了“国家知识产权局专利检索系统”和“中国专利信息中心专利检索系统”,从收录内容和检索方式上对这两个专利检索系统作详细的分析、比较和评价,以便于用户选择使用。