- online privacy rights 网络隐私权
- Online privacy is the extension of the right to privacy in cyberspace. 第二部分为网络空间的隐私侵权状况。
- Privacy Policy Generator Create an Online Privacy Policy (From the B.B.B. 创建一个隐私政策(每个著名的企业都这样做。
- Abstract: The issue of privacy rights is being heatedly discussed. 内容提要:学界正在对隐私权问题进行探讨。
- For any questions related to Online Privacy Policy including comments or requests to update Personal Information Click here. 有关网上隐私权政策包括评论或更新个人信息的问题请点击这里。
- By using Aplix web sites, Visitors consent to the terms set forth in this Online Privacy Policy and the processing by Aplix of their Personal Information. 在登陆Aplix的网站时,访问者同意本站隐私权政策中所规定的条款和Aplix对其个人信息的处理。
- Privacy right has gained legality in most modern counties and has become a fundamental human right for defendants. 刑事诉讼保障犯罪嫌疑人的基本人权,隐私权是其应有之义。
- Beth Givens, director of the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, says keeping an eye on your credit report is your best defense. 一旦发生这种情况,当然要申请清除被盗用的信息。
- Bilateral and multilateral coordination mechanisms are used to address conflicts of privacy right protection. 为解决各国隐私权保护的冲突,可适用双边和多边协调机制。
- In view of legislation, the terms about protecting the privacy right are disorganized and lacks systematicness. 体现在立法上,有关隐私权保护的条款零散而缺乏系统性;
- OPTIONAL* By checking this box and initialing, I waive my privacy rights under the law to any personal information listed in this form (e.g. 據法律規定,市政府可以將這些內容進行公佈。另一方面,申請人也可以選擇放棄對這些內容所享有的保密權利。
- This procedure is to use its own system of the highest order to establish the personal privacy rights, important information folders to prevent others burglary, delete ...... 本程序是利用系统自己的命令来建立具有最高权限的个人隐私、重要资料的文件夹,可防止他人窃看、删除等......
- The paper discusses the content and possible harm form of network privacy right,and raises strategies for protecting network privacy right. 文章论述了网络隐私权的内容及可能造成的侵害的形式,提出保护网络引私权的策略。
- The privacy right is certain to be referred to in the association between the library and the readers, which is also a never-to-be-evaded problem. 摘要图书馆与读者交往中必然涉及到隐私权,这是无法回避的问题。
- The second part states current internet space tortious status, methods and styles of personal privacy right which has been infringed. 第二部分阐述了目前网络空间中个人隐私权遭受侵害的现状及侵权方式及类型;
- OPTIONAL* By checking this box and initialing, I waive the applicant's privacy rights under the law to the applicant's and my personal information listed in this form (e.g. 据法律规定,市政府可以将这些内容进行公布。另一方面,申请人也可以选择放弃对这些内容所享有的保密权利。
- Owing to personal benefit,the succedaneum and successor who perform publication right of decedent often trench on privacy right of decedent. 死者发表权的代行者出于个人利益往往会侵犯死者的隐私权。隐私权是人身权,是精神权利;
- E-Business and Protection of Online Privacy:Unity of Opposites 电子商务与网络隐私保护:对立的统一体
- If thepersonal privacy of information, disclosed after the parties resulted in the reduction of social evaluation, it can beregarded as violation of privacy Right. 如果有关个人私生活的信息,披露出来以后造成了当事人社会评价的降低,那么可以算作侵犯隐私权。