- Wall Street's confidence in the online game industry is collapsing. 华尔街已经对网游产业失去信心。
- The rapid development of China online game industry has become one of the few spotlights in network economy. 我国网络游戏的高速发展成为了互联网经济中为数不多的亮点领域之一。
- China has banned foreign investment into its lucrative online games industry in an effort to tighten control over its virtual worlds. 中国已经禁止外商在中国投资获利的网游产业,努力加紧对于虚拟网络世界的控制。
- Reportedly, a vast and increasing number of Online game players in china will help to develope China online game industry. 报告称,中国拥有巨大的网络游戏玩家群体,其人数还在不断增长,这将进一步推动中国网络游戏行业的发展。
- The online games industry, as was proven long-term maturity channel model, the coverage Dianka channel capacity, extensive and convenient, has been a lot of user acceptance. 而作为被网游业界长期验证的成熟渠道模式,点卡渠道的覆盖能力、广泛性和便捷性,已经得到了很多用户的认可。
- In just a few short years, China's online game industry is growing at breakneck speed, and display a very strong explosive force. 短短几年内,我国网络游戏产业的发展速度惊人,并展现出极强的爆发力。
- Portal Sohu, and other game industry and has set foot in the top five or six, China Telecom, and other communications companies to be outdone, joined the online games market competition. 门户网站搜狐等涉足游戏产业并已跻身前5、6名,中国电信等通信企业也不甘示弱,加入了网游市场的角逐。
- The self-control since the 2001 Jun Wang, had made "dualist" online games industry, and other well-known theory of man is still normal working to address all of the company's size matters. 这位自2001年起就执掌骏网、曾提出过“二元理论”等著名网游业理论的风云人物至今仍在正常上班,处理着公司的一切大小事务。
- educational online games industry 教育网络游戏产业
- After the Goldrush: Opportunities in the Online Gaming Industry 淘金热后,网络游戏行业的发展机遇
- Will you play fee-based online games in the future? 将来你还会玩付费网络游戏吗?
- I am infatuated with online games. 我迷恋于网络游戏。
- Indian Games Industry and Trade Association. 这是印度第一家游戏行业协会。
- How can we play online games on computer? 如何操作在线网络游戏啊?
- Playing online games excessively is morally wrong. 过度地玩网络游戏在道德上是不对的。
- I like playing the online games of JX series. 我喜欢玩剑侠情缘网络游戏。
- How can China Internet Game Industry Go Farther? 中国网络游戏产业如何走得更远?
- Online games cause violence? That's all bunk. 在线游戏引发暴力行为?完全是胡扯。
- One nid to dwnld... The other one is online games. 一个需要下载,另一个是线上游戏。
- Online games should be the very right solutions. 而网络游戏恰恰可以解决这一问题。