- online dictionary attacks 在线字典攻击
- Look up a Chinese word in an online dictionary. 用在线字典查一个汉字。
- An online dictionary of idioms, sayings and slang. 在线俗语、谚语以及俚语词典。
- The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary offers four definitions for team. Merriam-Webster线上词典就团队给出了四个定义。
- Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science.by Joan M.Reitz. 非常全面的图书情报专用词汇表。
- It is easy to forget or vulnerable to dictionary attacks to take PINs and password as cryptographic keys. 摘要PIN和密码作为加密密钥要么容易遗忘,要么容易遭到字典攻击。
- The puzzles are designed not to be guessable by dictionary attacks or random guessing. 想玩用字典攻击法或随机猜测来试看看答案对不对的人,门都没有,咱们是设计过的。
- Many successful security breaches involve simple brute force and dictionary attacks against weak passwords. 许多成功的安全漏洞攻击与用穷举法和字典法破解弱密码有关。
- Kingsoft iCIBA is an online version of the famouse Kingsoft CIBA. It supplys free online dictionary service. 金山词霸搜索是著名词典软件《金山词霸》的在线版本,提供免费在线词典查词翻译服务。
- The online dictionary is still under construction which is why there are almost no words here! 在线字典正字建设中,所以单词库中的单词量有限!
- Kingsoft Inc. supplys online service, including free online dictionary, online translation service, CIBA iBEAN, CIBA salon, and PC-based CIBA. 金山软件公司词霸家族打造的以网站,包括免费的在线词典、在线翻译服务、词霸豆豆、词霸沙龙以及单机版词霸和快译等产品。
- Babylon online dictionary is a simple and intuitive tool operated by a single click. 巴比伦在线词典是一个简单而直观的工具,经营的单一点击。
- The intruders can take dictionary attacks on them and then impersonating legal users to access resources which only members have. 攻击者可以利用字典攻击取得通行码,进一步地假冒合法使用者来存取只有会员才拥有权利读取的资源。
- Is an online dictionary and search engine for the terms used in this article, along with all other computer and tech talk. 是查找本文所用术语及所有其它计算机和技术术语的在线字典和搜索引擎。
- Definition of facility from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. 专业从事交通设备、停车场交通设施、道路交通安全设施及相关产品设计、开发、施工的公司。
- Babylon online dictionary will automatically identify the required conversion type, based on unit symbols that appear next to the numbers. 巴比伦在线字典会自动确定所需的转换类型的基础上,单位符号旁边显示的数字。
- Definition of Build Library Directory List in the list of acronyms and abbreviations provided by the Free Online Dictionary and ... 构建图书馆的定义目录列表清单中的缩略语和简称提供的免费在线词典和 ...
- Sometimes the target uses a weak passphrase that the police can guess by using a dictionary attack. 有时疑犯使用了一个弱口令,警方可以用字典攻击的方法猜到密码。
- What does FIRST-UP stand for? Definition of FIRST-UP in the list of acronyms and abbreviations provided by the Free Online Dictionary and Thesaurus. UP么意思?FIRST-UP的定义见免费在线词典词库提供的缩合字和缩略语列举。