- one cycle conlrol 单周控制
- A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. 赫兹频率的单位,等于每秒一周
- One cycle of processing a body of data. 处理数据体的一个周期。参阅sortpass。
- A unit of time corresponding approximately to one cycle of the moon's phases, or about 30 days or 4 weeks. 月大约和月亮盈亏的一个周期相当的时间单位,或约三十天或四周。
- A unit of time corresponding approximately to one cycle of the moon's phases, or about30 days or4 weeks. 月大约和月亮盈亏的一个周期相当的时间单位,或约三十天或四周
- Of them,22 employed NVB 25 mg/m 2 infusion on d1 and d8, DDP 30 mg/m 2 on d1,d2 and d3, 21 days comprised one cycle. 顺铂(DDP)30mg/m2,d1~3,21d为一周期。
- A DC side active power filter(APF)based on one cycle control theory is proposed. 提出了一种基于单周控制理论的直流侧有源电力滤波器 (DC侧APF)。
- An engine which needs four strokes t complete one cycle is four-stroke cycle engine or, for short, a four-cycle engine. 发动机完成一个工作循环,需要四个行程,就称为四冲程循环发动机,或者简称四冲程发动机。
- This is because the machine will work faster if the execution of the next microinstruction is delayed by one cycle. 这是因为,如果下一个微指令的执行被延迟一个时钟周期,计算机将工作的更快。这个寄存器被称作一个流水线寄存器。
- Appearance and dimensional stability use Ariel liquid detergent and wash one cycle only. 外观和尺寸稳定性使用碧浪液体洗涤剂;只洗一次.
- Eighteen cases employed taxol 135 mg/m 2 infusion for 3 hours on d1 and DDP 30 mg/m 2 on d2,d3 and d4, 21 days comprised one cycle. 18例使用TP方案,紫杉醇135mg/m2,静滴3h,d1; DDP30mg/m2,iv,d2~4。
- One cycle controlled DC side APF is the combining of one cycle control theory and DC side APF, so which features the goodness of two technologies. 将单周控制技术与DC侧APF相结合的单周控制DC侧APF,则同时具有二者的优点。
- Up to now two Surveillance Audits have been prescribed in one cycle. In one cycle, there has often been one Surveillance Audit a year. 到目前为止,两次监督审核规定在一个周期内。在一个周期中,常常为每年一次监督审核。
- Results After one cycle of amplification by methotrexate(Mtx), the CHO cell colonies stably expressed green fluorescent protein. 结果经脂质体法转染CHO细胞,以氨甲喋呤为选择标记,经过一轮扩增后,获得表达绿色荧光蛋白的CHO细胞株。
- R. Brown, M. Soldano, "One Cycle Control IC Simplifies PFC Designs," IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Volume 2, 6-10, Page(s):825 ? 829, March 2005. 单周期控制技术化繁为简,轻松实现高功率PFC设计,新电子科技杂志,2006年2月号。
- Routing lookup algorithms based on TCAM can complete a longest prefix matching(LPM) in one cycle and implement high-speed packet routing and forwarding . 基于TCAM的硬件路由查找算法能够在一个时钟周期内完成最长前缀匹配,实现快速路由查找和分组转发。
- Perhaps if you are ascending together, the completion will allow for an ending of one cycle of energy flow and the birth of a new flow together, as the ties of the past release. 或许如果你正与之共同提升,完全将容许能量流程的一个周期结束,新的流程将一起诞生,因为过去的纽带已被释放。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- They were at ages ranging from 33 to 82 years old with ECOG PS of 0 to 2. Paclitaxel 80?mg/m?2 was given by intravenous infusion on 1st and 8th day, and cisplatin 25?mg/m?2 on 2th to 6th days, 3 to 4 weeks was one cycle. 紫杉醇80mg/m2第1、8天静脉滴注,顺铂20mg/m2第2~6天静脉滴注,每3~4周重复。
- The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 那男孩子呷了一小口葡萄酒,但马上又吐了出来。