- The Smiths like moving from one city to another. 史密斯一家喜欢从一个城市搬到另一个城市。
- It can be one city,several provinces or the whole country. 可以是一个城市、几个省,或者整个国家。
- Says one city resident as bottled water gets pricey. 我们毫无准备’,面对价格昂贵的瓶装水一位居民说道。
- What I mean is we sell to only one client in any one city. 我指的是任何一个城市我们都只有一个客户。
- It is difficult to depart one city where we live chronically. 要离开已住习惯的城市是很难的事。
- It can be one city, several provinces or the whole country. 可以是一个城市、几个省,或者整个国家。
- These two forms really reflect the rebirth and decline in one city. 而这两种形态又切实相互反映着一座城市的新生和衰败。
- Xiang Yu gallantly conquered one city after another. 项羽英勇打仗攻克了一个又一个城池。
- The development of mass transits is imperative as one city develops. 大众运输随著一个城市的发展而愈益重要;
- One city official asked what this microbe could do to the metropolitan area. 一位城市官员问这个微生物对大城市会有什么影响,
- to alter
- Bill: We start with a major advertising blitz in tier one cities. 我们首先要在主要城市进行集中的广告宣传。
- We start with a major advertising blitz in tier one cities. 我们首先要在主要城市进行集中的广告宣传。
- If you could visit only one city in Germany, the capital of Bavaria would be a worthy choice. 假如你只能访问德国的一座城市,那么巴伐利亚的首府将是一个绝对值得一游的城市!
- Let himnot stay long,in one city or town; more or less as the place deserveth,but not long. 他不可在一城一镇久居,时间长短可视地方而定,但不宜太久。
- A manager today typically spends a lifetime in his chosen field, moving from one city to anothr as opportunities for advancement develop. 在今天,一个典型的市政经理,一辈子都干他所选择的行业,只要有升迁机会,就从一个城市转到另外一个城市。
- If you work or stay in more than one city or region, please choose the two most frequently inhabited places. 如您目前工作和生活的城市不止一个,请选择两个地区。
- Delhi is an overwhelming experience. It is as if all of humanity has been squeezed into one city. 到德里是一次被淹没的经历.;它就像所有的人类被压挤进入一坐城市一样
- Let himnot stay long, in one city or town; more or less as the place deserveth, but not long. 他不可在一城一镇久居,时间长短可视地方而定,但不宜太久。
- While unfair perhaps to single out one city in France that outshines others in gastronomy, why not Lyon? 如果要在法国选出一个在美食学上能傲视群雄的城市,那么,干嘛不选里昂呢?