- The ulcers take between a one to two weeks to heal. 溃疡之间采取了一两个星期才能愈合。
- Put one to two spoons of mayonnaise into the egg. 放一汤匙或两汤匙的蛋黄酱(咸味沙拉酱也可以)。
- Only one to two more watchmaker(s)? 您计划多雇几名制表师来帮您吗?
- From one to two, Wilbur planned to sleep. 从一点到两点,威尔伯打算睡觉。
- One to two surveys will be conducted each year under the BRFSS. 在行为风险因素监测系统下,每年会进行一至两次的电话调查。
- It will take anywhere from one to two hours to drive there. 开车到那约需一至两小时。
- QUICK SIZING: Valve size one to two sizes smaller than main line. 快速选型:阀门通径比主管道口径小一到两个等级。
- The rash will disappear by itself in one to two years. 皮疹将在一至两年的时间内自己消失。
- The tenure of appointment is usually for a period of one to two years. 任期通常为期一至两年。非官方成员分别来自社会各个专业与阶层。
- The board shall have one chairman, and may have one to two vice-chairmen. 董事会设董事长一人,可以设副董事长一至二人。
- Yes, I am planning to hire one to two highly qualified watchmaker(s). 是的,我计划在雇一到两名受过良好训练的制表师。
- Would redeploy U.S. troops at a pace of one to two brigades a month. 将以每个月一到两个旅的速度重新部署美国军队。
- HOW TO USE: As a bath oil: Pour one to two capfuls under running water. 如何使用:作为泡澡精油:在热水里加入少许的精油。
- It can be achieved either by coursework or research in one to two years. 它可以通过读课程和从事研究的方式来取得,期限一至二年。
- Keep in mind that MBA programs typically look for candidates with at least one to two years of full- time work experience. 记住,工商管理硕士课程通常招收具有一至二年全职工作经验的申请者。
- We were rationed to two eggs a week. 每周配给我们两个鸡蛋。
- It is all one to me whether he comes or not. 他来不来对我来说都无所谓。
- Ph: Turn your head to the side. Put one to two dro in your ear. Pre the tragus for a few seconds. 将头歪向一侧,在耳朵里滴一、两滴药水,再把耳屏按几秒钟。
- It's all one to me whether we eat now or later. 现在吃或是等一会儿再吃对我来说都一样。
- Contextual clues can help one to find the meaning. 上下文所提供的线索有助于了解其意义。