- One loop or winding of a coiled rope or cable. 一卷绳索,一捆船索卷起的绳子或钢丝的一圈或一卷
- one loop system 单环路系统
- One loop or windingof a coiled rope or cable. 一卷绳索,一捆船索卷起的绳子或钢丝的一圈或一卷。
- The hall is equipped with an induction loop system. 大厅配备了环线感应系统。
- One loop equals one-quarter of a mile. 每绕一圈相当于走四分之一英里。
- For the main part of the system can be integral loop system. 主要用于开环系统,也可组成闭环系统.
- Loops by placing one loop within another. 通过将一个循环放在另一个循环内,您可以嵌套。
- Three axes D.R.O. dose loop system detection ensure superior feed accuracy. 三轴光学尺闭徊路系统监视功能,确保位移摇动精度。
- You can nest For loops by placing one loop within another. 可以将一个循环放在另一个循环内以嵌套。
- The original asymptote criterion of polar diagram is improved, and it is pointed out that only one type system has original asymptote in the open loop systems. 文章对绘制开环系统极坐标图进行了深入研究,给出了极坐标图起始渐近线的判据,指出开环系统只有1型系统才有起始渐近线。
- The clos ed loop system thus obtained is homogeneous and has negative degree of homogenei ty. 由此得到的闭环系统是齐次的并且具有负的齐次度 .
- Abstract: A novel digital closed loop system of Coriolis mass flowmeter (CMF) is devised and realized. 文章摘要: 提出并实现了一种科氏质量流量计的新型数字闭环系统。
- The Model Loop System studying the characteristics of wax deposition is presented. 使用室内试验环道研究了青海原油的石蜡沉积特性。
- As this occurs, variations in the transformer and line coupling (and loop and AFE noise) may overwhelm the difference in measurement from one loop length to the next. 出现这种情况时,变压器和线路耦合的差异(环路和AFE噪声)可能淹没不同环路长度测试方法的差异。
- Schroeder's off-line Kidney Loop System is a stationary version of the Mobile Filtration System. 施罗德的离线肾循环系统是一个固定外形的移动过滤系统。
- For example,to nest one loop(the nested loop)within another loop(the nesting loop;to nest one subroutine(the nested subroutine)within another subroutine(the nesting subroutine. 例如,在一个循环中嵌入另一个循环,在一个子程序中嵌入另一个子程序。
- The ADRC parameter setting was achieved by setting up the open loop system and the closed loop system using linear PD control. ADRC的参数整定通过建立开环系统和线性PD控制的闭环系统得以实现。
- Is the mould level and flow control in a closed loop system and are abrupt changes alerted, monitored and affected blooms controlled/downgraded? 铸模液面高度和(钢水)流控制是否在封闭的循环系统中进行?对突发情况是否有报警,监控措施?并且对受影响的钢坯得到控制和降级使用?
- By this linearization model,the speed tracking control law is designed to increase the celerity of speed tracking while keeping the whole closed loop system stable. 通过此方法设计的速度跟踪控制,在保证整个闭环系统稳定的情况下,提高速度跟踪的快速性。
- Here are some references for NRQCD &NRQED: Renormalization Group Scaling in Nonrelativistic QCD on the multipole expansion, The QCD Heavy Quark Potential to Order V**2: One Loop Matching Conditions on matching calculations. 11下面是非相对论性量子色动力学和非相对论性量子电动力学的一些参考资料:关于多极展开的非相对论性量子色动力学中的重整化群定标,关于匹配计算的V**2阶的量子色动力学重夸克势:单圈匹配条件。