- one arm swinging front loader 单臂旋转式前置装载机
- I could bake a better cake with one arm tied behind my back! 我可以轻而易举地烘烤出一只更好的蛋糕。
- I could beat him with one arm tied behind my back. 我可以轻而易举地打败他。
- This is for a good reason: a heavy, blind robot arm swinging heedlessly from one position to another could kill anyone in its path. 这有一个很好的理由:一个笨重而无判断力的机器臂从一个地方移动到另一个地方,可以不经意间杀掉任何在其移动路径上的人。
- He raised one arm and then the other. 他先举起一只手,然后举起另一只。
- It can lift a BMW into the air with just one arm, swing it around and then set it down again in exactly the same spot with barely a quiver. 它只用一只手臂就能把宝马举在空中,随意挥舞,然后再准确的放回原地。对这个世界上最强大的机器人来说,移动汽车只是小菜一碟。
- So the physical act of arm swinging led to a similar mental solution. 手臂摇摆这个身体的动作导致相似的智力解答方法。
- She pulled the chair away from the table.Steadying him with one arm, She helped him move in front of the chair, and get comfortably seated. 她将椅子从桌子中拉出来,一手扶稳着他,将他牵到椅子前面,舒服地坐下。
- One arm has a bottle of vodka and the other a glass. 他们一手拿伏特加,一手拿酒杯。
- Cross one arm at a time using the Road Crossing Code. 每次只横过路口的一边行车路,并遵守过马路守则。
- He did find some gold and soon upgraded his equipment -- in 2005, buying the excavator, followed by the bulldozer last year and the front loader this year. 2005年,他终于找到了一些金子,很快就提升了淘金设备,购买了挖掘机,去年又添置了推土机,今年更配备了前端装载机。
- I could bake a better cake with one arm tied behind my back. 我可以轻而易举地烘烤出一只更好的蛋糕。
- He moved swiftly and easily, his arm swinging with the motion of his lightsaber as he parried the blaster fire. 他迅速轻松地移动身体,手臂随着光剑有节奏地挥舞着抵挡开爆能枪的子弹。
- That man with one arm lost his other limb in an airplane crash. 那独臂男人是在一次坠机中失去一条手臂的.
- Old Parlay groaned, moved one arm impotently, and opened his eyes. 老帕利呻吟着,孱弱地挪动着一只手臂,睁开了双眼。
- As the patient walks, observe his posture, balance, arm swing, and leg movements. 当病人走时;观察他的姿势;平衡;手臂的挥动以及腿的动作.
- The doctor says to that woman: "When the chest that you want to let you greatens, it is OK to want to swing your arm swing your arm outwards only. 医生对那女人说:“当你想要让你的胸部变大时,只要将你的手臂向外摆动就可以了。”
- He was able to beat his brother at tennis with one arm tied behind his back. 跟他兄弟打网球他可以轻而易举地获胜。
- With the churn under one arm, the man stamped down the path to the well. 这位老兄一只手臂下夹着搅乳器,踏着重重的步伐顺着路走到水井边。
- Holding the child on one arm, he set about preparing the food for the cows. 他一只手臂抱着孩子,开始给牛准备饲料。