- He was a wreck of his former self. 他身体坏得不成样子,已兴从前判若两人。
- He is now out of all conceit with his former self. 他现在全盘否定了他原来的自己。
- She' s back to her former self again, eg after an illness. 她又恢复了以前的样子(如病後).
- She used to be a great player, but now she's only a shadow of her former self. 她以前是个健将,现在已不及当年了。
- He looks just like his former self. 他看上去和以往一样。
- He looks healthier in contrast to his former self. 他与以前相比,显得更健康些。
- She's back to her former self again. 她恢复以前的样子。
- I'm but a shadow of my former self. 我只不过是前生的影子。
- You are a mere shadow of your former self. 你简直瘦得落形了。
- He's a mere husk of his former self. (因为生病等原因) 他只剩下个躯壳。
- He is a skeleton of his former self. 他就是他原来的样子。
- David Cheval, Liz Cheval’s former husband, saw more than one Turtle in the first year ignore the rules and take excessive risk. 大卫?雪娃是莉斯?雪娃的前夫,他当时看见不止一个海龟在第一年违反原则并承受过多的风险。
- Kif\\" -- NASA\'s former administrator was Sean O\'Keefe. 路透社还保留着辛格的“美国航空航天局证书”复印件。
- After his illness he was only a shadow of his former self. 他病后瘦弱得不象人样。
- Today the 40-year-old princess is a shell of her former self. 如今,四十岁的太子妃只剩下一副躯壳了。
- This is obviously a transitional year for the Williams team, which presumably, with BMW's departure, is a slimmed-down version of its former self. 问:对威廉姆斯车队来说,这无疑是过渡的一年。由于宝马的离开,车队应该比之前变小了很多。
- No longer are we our former self, rather we become a “new person. 我们不再是以前的那个人,我们变成一位“新造的人”。
- The battalion was a mere skeleton of its former self. 军队只是以前军队的一个框架。
- After 10 days in space Garriott will return to Earth with the ISS's former crew aboard a Soyuz re-entry vehicle. 加里奥特将于10天后与同行的两位前国际空间站工作人员搭乘“联盟号”飞船的返回舱返回地球。
- She used to be a great player,but now she's only a shadow of her former self. 她以前是个健将,现在已不及当年了。