- Discussion on the Kinematic Orbit Determination by the Onboard GPS Zero-Differential Phase Observations 星载GPS相位观测值非差运动学定轨探讨
- Determination of CHAMP Orbit from Onboard GPS Double-Difference Phase Data with Dynamic Method 由星载GPS双差相位数据进行CHAMP卫星动力学定轨
- The Design and Implementation of CAN Communication Interface Adapter with Onboard GPS Module 板载GPS模块的CAN通信接口适配卡的设计与实现
- onboard GPS 星载GPS
- Take an onboard radar for example. 就拿机载雷达为例吧。
- GDOP is an important concept of GPS. GDOP是GPS系统中的一个重要概念。
- Remarks: The tickets will be sold onboard. 将在船上售票。
- Q Do you have ISM certificates onboard? 你船上有ISM证书吗?
- Is effective onboard training conducted? 船上的培训已按要求进行?
- GPS satellites, for comparison, orbit at36,000 km. 相比较而言,gps卫星的轨道是在海拔2万2千公里的高空。
- Who is the Fire Brigade Commander onboard ? 谁是船上防火队的指挥人?
- Keywords: GPRS; GPS; GIS; Protocol; Design?? 关键词:通用分组无线业务;全球定位系统;地理信息系统;协议;设计??
- More accurate distance calculation in GPS mode. 更精确的距离计算在GPS模式下。
- The GPS programme source code used by taxies, Asm. 一个自行设计的GPS的出租车使用的程序源代码。
- VGA Port can match with GPS and Car PC. 首选用于车载电脑,GPS高清液晶显示。
- GPS system: You are not on any marked road. GPS系统:你没有在有任何标志的道路上。
- How can I improve GPS reception? 如何提高GPS接受能力?
- GPS repeater is the accessory for the IBS. GPS复示器是综合船舶监控系统的附件。
- The onboard processor offers other ways to save power. 在尘粒内装设处理器,是节省电力的另一种途径。
- GPS satellites, for comparison, orbit at 36,000km. 相比较而言,GPS卫星的轨道是在海拔2万2千公里的高空。