- A deep ravine is on the left of the road. 有一道深沟在马路左边。
- It is the practice in Britain to drive on the left. 车辆靠左行驶是英国的制度。
- You'd better put the dressing table on the left. 你最好把梳妆台放在左边。
- In Britain cars are driven on the left. 在英国汽车靠左侧行驶。
- The bus station is on the left [on the right]. 公共汽车站在左边[在右边]。
- Do you drive on the left (right) here? 这里是靠左(右)行驶的吗?
- Take the second turning on the left. 在第二个转弯处向左转。
- The house was winged on the left side. 房子的左边造了厢房。
- The town stands on the left bank of the river. 城镇位于河的左岸。
- Driving on the left is strange at first but you get used to it. 沿著路的左侧驾驶刚开始时有些别扭,可是习惯了就好了。
- The figure on the left spoils the unity of the painting. 左边的人物有损于画面的整体性。
- He sat on the left, and she sat on the right. 他坐在左边,她坐在右边。
- The enemy attacked on the left flank. 敌人向左翼进攻。
- Do the napkins go on the right or the left? 餐巾要放在左边还是右边?
- We outflanked the enemy on the left. 我们向敌人左侧迂回。
- The school is on the left of the road. 学校在马路的左边。
- A world map was hung on the wall to the left. 左边墙上挂着一幅世界地图。
- Cars drive on the left side of the road in England. 在英国,汽车靠路的左边行驶。
- Being the animal or vehicle on the left. 在左侧的动物或运输工具的
- There's an area of irritation on the left palm. 在左手掌有一个发炎区。