- If the buyer and seller know each other well, they may decide to trade on open account. 若买卖双方彼此很了解,则可采取记帐方式。
- That's used only when goods are sold on open account or shipped on consignment,but it's very rare now. 那只限于赊销或装船寄售的状况下,但目前并不十分普遍。
- That's used only when goods are sold on open account or shipped on consignment, but it's very rare now. 那只限于赊销或装船寄售的状况下,但目前并不十分普遍。
- An open account,the only course open to us. 活期的资金,我们唯一可用的途径。
- Avoid applying on open wounds and bruised areas. 不适合贴在伤口部位。
- Barb encampment on open ground... destroy it ASAP. 如果野蛮人露营地在平坦地形上面,要尽快消灭他们。
- We have been in business since 1966 and have worked with Chian for over 12 years on an open account basis. 我们公司于1966年起从事贸易,根据往来帐户看出,与中国公司合作已超过12年之久。
- The court record on open verdict on the dead policeman. 法庭记下对警察死因未定的裁决。
- Many companies consider open account sales very risky. 多数公司都认为记帐交易的风险很大。
- The teller offered me advice on opening a new account. 银行出纳员为我提供开设新帐户的建议。
- Please show me how to fill out an open account form? 请您教我填一份开户表格好吗?
- On open ground, I would keep a vigilant eye on my defenses. 交地,吾将谨其守;
- Please check the local promotion on open time and entrance, etc. 具体演出时间,门票等等请留意当地宣传。
- The player blew up in lines on opening night. 这个演员第一夜上台就忘了台词。
- Open account backed by demand guarantee or standby letter of credit (art. 开立需要即期担保或备用信用证保证的帐户(第。
- Sketch Design on Opening Image P. 开放性图像处理系统的设计思想。
- The actress was very nervous on opening night. 女演员在首映之夜非常的紧张。
- The business was over on opening day. 我们的生意在刚开始的第一天就结束了。
- What do you need to know to build a storage grid based on open standards? 要构建一个基于开放标准的存储网格需要了解些什么呢?
- And based on this conclusion, Darboux theorem on open interval is also given. 在此基础上给出有限开区间上的达布定理。