- On one occasion they both lifted the same poundage. 有一次,他们两人举起同样的重量。
- On one occasion Zeus suffered a racking headache. 有一次,宙斯头痛欲裂。
- On one occasion I met him at the library. 有一次我在图书馆里遇到他。
- On one occasion, he landed in a deserted car park. 有一次,他在一个废弃的停车场着陆。
- Only on one occasion have I ever fell frightened. 我只有一次受惊吓了。
- Only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened. 仅仅有一次,我感觉到害怕。
- On one occasion he hanged twenty heretics, including a minister, at a single heat. 有一次他一下子绞死了20个异教徒,包括一位牧师在内。
- On one occasion, she called me in the middle of the night. 有一次她深更半夜打电话给我。
- I really don't know what kind of man he really is; on one occasion, he is normal, and on another, he acts like a lunatic. 我真不了解他到底是怎样的人; 一会儿正常,一会儿又像个疯子。
- Things of value, such as gifts, received on one occasion. 值钱的东西在某个场合收到的财物,如礼物
- On one occasion, I saved a girl from frowning in a river. 一个偶然的机会,我救了一个落水的姑娘。
- However, on one occasion Demi noticed how the professor looked at Jo. 不过,有一次迪米注意到贝教授望著乔的样子。
- On one occasion, Mahakasyapa returned from far away to see Shakyamuni Buddha. 有一天,他从很远的地方回来,拜访释迦牟尼佛。
- He drinks too much. On one occasion I saw him drink a whole bottle of whiskey. 他喝得太多了,有一次我看见他喝了一整瓶威士忌。
- Now let them suffer the difference,Don Apolinar Moscote said on one occasion. 经排查,警方发现犯罪嫌疑人住在松岗街道一处出租屋,共有12名犯罪嫌疑人。
- On one occasion, Shepherd caught piglets, it howl loudly, violently resisted. 有一次,牧人捉住小猪,它大声号叫,猛烈地抗拒。
- On one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Kapilavatthu at the Banyan Park. 一时薄伽梵住于迦毗罗卫附近的榕园。
- On one occasion Margaret invited them down because she thought Ian was tired and in need of an early night. 有一次玛格丽特邀请他们来,因为她觉得伊恩疲劳需要在这里早点儿休息。
- Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan: On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. 一个律法师来问耶稣甚么是律法,耶稣说,你要做这。