- Now I have a bull's eye on my chest. 现在我也被人陷害。
- Dreadful big. And he sat on my chest. 大的可怕;它坐在我的胸口上.
- The cold has settled on my chest, ie It is making me cough, etc. 我患感冒已引起胸部不适(咳嗽等).
- When greeting Moroccan friends, I place my palm on my chest. 跟摩洛哥朋友打招呼,要把手放在胸膛位置致意。
- I found that the scars on my chest and my leg were a big deal. 我发现胸口和腿上的伤疤是很重要的。
- She leaned on my chest, bare breasts brushing my skin. 她倚靠在我的怀里,裸露的双乳擦着我的皮肤。
- RD: You see me doing liquor store holdup with a "Born to Lose"tattoo on my chest? 你看我像是胸前有“坏痞子”纹身,专门打劫烟酒店的小混混吗?
- That night as I lay down to sleep, I gently placed my hand on my chest and I left it there until I dozed off. 那晚,我躺下准备睡觉,慢慢地将手放在了胸上,然后任由它放在那里,昏昏睡去。
- He then shone a light into my ears, put a metal implement on my chest and pressed his fingers into my stomach. 然后,他把一束光照进我的耳朵里,将一个金属器具放在我的胸上,用手指按压我的胃。
- Last night, as I watched the game, I had her incubated under a blanket on my chest. 昨晚观看比赛时,我把她裹在胸前的毛毯下。
- In July, let me once again become a soldier, wearing flowers in July on my chest, gave me the expedition. 七月,让我再度成为一名战士,七月的红花戴在我的胸前,送我远征。
- An' if you'll believe me, 'e puts 'is 'and on my chest and gives me a shove as pretty near sent me under the wheels of a bus. 说来不信,他举起手来,朝我当胸一推,几乎把我推到一辆公共汽车的轱辘下面。
- Kraft was “standing over the open bomb bay, looking down into the cold North Sea far below, with my parachute on my chest, I was terrified. 克里福特“正站在打开的炸弹舱中,俯瞰远处冰冷的北海,降落伞抱在胸前,我满心恐惧。
- As we opened the blouse and dropped the camisole, the catheter on my breast was exposed and the fresh scar on my chest could be seen. 我脱下衬衫和背心,插在乳房上的导管露了出来,胸膛上的伤疤也暴露无遗。
- Cindy is small and just comes up to my chest. 辛迪个子很小,只到我的胸脯那么高。
- This sort of wet weather plays hell with my chest. 这种潮湿天气对我的肺有害。
- I was dazed by the blow on my head. 我的头挨了一击而觉得晕眩。
- As I was waiting for a bus a brick fell on my head. 当我在等公共汽车时,一块砖头落到了我的头上。
- I do not get any static on my set. 我的电视机没有静电干扰。
- A passing car splashed mud on my new trousers. 路过的一辆车把泥水溅到我的新裤子上了。