- He bought the house on an impulse. 他凭一时冲动买下了这所房子。
- My uncle bought the house on an impulse. 我叔叔一时冲动买下了那房子。
- He grasped her hand on an impulse. 他情不自禁地握紧她的手。
- On an impulse Croft fired a burst into him. 克洛夫特一时按捺不住,抓住机枪给了他一梭子。
- On an impulse he kicked some sand into Ridge's foxhole. 一时性起,他就提起脚来将一些沙子踢进里奇的坑里。
- He said, "We cannot do improper things on an impulse. 把我们的意愿强加给别人是不可能的。
- On an impulse he kicked some sand into Richy's hole. 他一时性起,把沙子踢进里奇的洞里。
- On an impulse he goes back to Chicago for a few weeks with his parents. 他一时心血来潮,又回到了芝加哥,想在父母身边住上两三星期。
- He had planted the trees apparently on an impulse; but it was really the fruition of a dream of his. 他种这些树,显然是出于一时的冲动,但实在也实现了他的一个梦想。
- He looked at his cigarette, and on an impulse he handed it to the Japanese soldier. 他瞧了瞧手里的香烟,突然情不自禁地把烟向那日本兵递了过去。
- Crimes such as shoplifting, raping, vandalizing, etc. that are done on an impulse. 在冲动之下所犯的罪行,如商店扒窃、强*、损坏公物等。
- If a hot-blooded youth knew the source of the event, he would raise the decision of killing Qin Quai on an impulse. 不是义愤填膺想干些傻事,就是怒火中烧,意欲置某人于死地。
- Most people start out on an impulse, after hearing a hot tip or a rumor of someone making money. 大部分人突然听说了一个消息或一个耳语说某人赚了大钱,就冲动地开始了。
- What she did carelessly on an impulse she will now regret for the rest of her life. 她凭一时冲动随便做出的事情,如今可要为它懊悔一辈子了。
- He had planted the trees apparently on an impulse, but it was really the fruition of a dream of his. 他种这些树,显然是出于一时的冲动,但实在也实现了他的一个梦想。
- I held it tightly between my toes, and, acting on an impulse, made a wild sort of scribble with it on the slate. 我的脚趾紧紧地夹住那支粉笔,然后凭着一时的冲动,用它在石板上使劲地乱画了一下。
- Crimes like the as shoplifting, raping, vandalizing, etc. those are not finished on an impulse. 在冲动之下所犯的罪行,如商店扒窃、强奸、损坏公物等。
- We met a group of adventurers travelling to the Arctic ocean by fire ballons. &we hopped onto the last ballon on an impulse. 正好遇到一队冒险家坐热气球去北冰洋,我们就脑子一热跳上了最后一个热气球。
- He ventured on an ambitious project. 他冒险从事一项富有雄心的计画。
- Problems were solved on an ad hoc basis. 做了一些变通问题便解决了。