- omnidirectional hydrophone [电] 多向性潜水微音器
- A marine detector is a hydrophone. 海洋检波器是水中地震检波器。
- A good omnidirectional microphone is a must. 一个好的全向麦克风是必须的。
- The hydrophone was to detect blue whale voices. 水中听音器的作用是探测鲸鱼的声音。
- The Omnidirectional RWR is an important airborne ECM equipment. 全向告警设备是一种重要的机载电子对抗设备.
- Study on Characters and Experiment of FBG Hydrophone[J]. 引用该论文 郑承栋;郑黎;何俊华;陈良益.
- Hyperboloidal Catadioptric Omnidirectional Imaging System[J]. 引用该论文 曾吉勇;苏显渝.
- LCD display and alarm by sound, Omnidirectional detection. 数码显示、声音报警,自动识别,全方位探测无死角;
- Hydrophone Underwater directional microphones for passive sound detection. 水听器,具有方向性的水下麦克风,用于被动接受声音。
- The model of vibration picking for a vector hydrophone is established. 摘要本文建立了矢量水听器的拾振模型,并分析推导了其拾振条件。
- A back-projection unwarp algorithm of omnidirectional images are developed. 使用逆坐标映射方法对全向图像进行展开;
- Compared with the pressure hydrophone, vector sensors have many advantages. 矢量水听器较传统声压水听器有诸多优势。
- In this dissertation, we study a supergain hydrophone array to improve the detection performance of passive sonar. 本文从提高被动声呐的检测性能出发,提出了超增益阵的设计。
- Abstract: Optic fiber hydrophone has the highest sensitivity among current underwater sensors. 文摘:光纤水听器作为目前水下声场探测灵敏度最高的器件,所具有的优异性能,使其成为未来新型声纳装置的最佳选择。
- So the technique and application of neritic hydrophone are paid more attention by geophysicist. 因此,浅海水听器的技术和应用一直倍受广大物探工作者的关注。
- The international prior professional laboratory test on the product omnidirectional,more security insurence. 国际领先的专业实验室对产品进行全方位检测;更多安全保证.
- A type of fiber optic hydrophone to be used for towed line array is presented in this paper. 报道了光纤水听器用于拖曳线列阵的研究结果。
- Some important theoretical issues of catadioptric omnidirectional systems for the spherical mirror are researched. 摘要对球面镜折反射全向视觉系统的某些理论问题进行了研究。
- A novel broad-band omnidirectional monopole antenna with dual-frequency is presented. 摘要文章介绍了一种新型宽带双频全向单极天线。
- As soon as the hydrophone was in the water, we found ourselves listening to the most beautiful voices. 我们刚刚将听音器放入水中,耳边便传来了世上最美妙的歌声。