- The old term has taken on a new meaning. 这个旧词有了新的意义。
- This old term has taken on a new meaning. 这个旧词有了新的意义。
- It was the personification of the old term spick and span. 俗话用"一水没洗"形容衣服挺括簇新,在这里一点不假。
- A n old term m eaning tw ilight that is still occasionally heard. “黎明”或“黄昏”的陈旧的说法,但现在仍偶尔听到有人使用。
- Spongioblastoma is an old term that is no longer a valid to use nowadays. 胶质母细胞瘤这一词我们已经不再使用。
- The old term of PADAM is "male climacteric" or "andropause" with the synoym of "ADAM" or " late hypogonadism". PADAM原称男子更年期综合征,同义词有“ADAM”或“Late hypogonadism”。
- An old term for an electric generator that produces alternating current (especially in automobiles). 对能产生交流电的发电机的老的称呼。
- Prefer LOC payable 60 Days from BOL, which was old terms. 如果你感兴趣的话,请注明价格结构。
- The sanitary plastic fastfood package discarded casually are hard to be degraded or decomposed, they will lead to a situation expressed in the old term "white terror". 随手扔掉的一次性塑料快餐盒难以风化、难以腐蚀,将会制造另一种意义上的“白色恐怖”。
- The sanitary plastic fastfood package discarded casually are hard to be degraded or decomposed,they will lead to a situation expressed in the old term "white terror". 随手扔掉的一次性塑料快餐盒难以风化、难以腐蚀,将会制造另一种意义上的“白色恐怖”。
- However, as there are still some scholars continuing to use this old term (the Cathaysian Block), it brings on the argument whether the South China is an orogenic belt or the Cathaysian Block. 但是仍然有学者沿用这个老“术语”-华夏地块,因此,产生了华南是造山带还是华夏地块的争论。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- That old man is a fount of wisdom. 那个老人有无穷的智慧。
- Slide 1-17 This is an organism called Aureobasidium.An older term, Pullularia, is still used in several textbooks. 幻灯1-17这种真菌名叫短梗霉,有几种教科书仍采用其旧名芽霉菌属。
- The old farm has been split up into house lots. 这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。
- The old man stared the uninvited guest up and down. 老人把不速之客上下打量了一番。
- All current 60-90 day loans shall be honored and paid automatically under old terms. 现有的60-90天的计划将自动支付给您,依照原有的条款。
- Low vision(the older term subnormal vision has been abandoned) refers to a reduction is central acuity or a subtotal visual field loss. 低视力(多发于老年期的视力减退)表现为中心视力下降或局限性视野的缺损。
- That old block of flats is a real eyesore! 那座旧公寓真不顺眼!