- The old shop has been recycled as a hotel. 这座老商店已改建为旅馆。
- EFC moved to the new shop, just on the opposite side of her old shop, in 2003. 杨辉于2003年搬往现址的新店。
- I like rummaging around in old shops. 我喜欢去旧货店翻翻找找。
- Some old shops in Chinatown have been torn down. 在牛车水,有些旧店已经被拆除。
- We are glad to announce that our Causeway Bay Shop has been expanded and moved to Sino Plaza (2 minutes walk from the old shop)! 我们的铜锣湾店现已扩充及迁往信和广场(距旧店只有两分钟步程)。
- Water taxis connect historic piers and bridges along the winding route through the city where old shop houses and tenements are now being restored. 水上游艇将整个城市里乱如蛛网的道路的古老的码头桥梁连接起来,在那里,古老的商铺大宅如今都已经恢复原貌。
- EFC moved to the new shop, just on the opposite side of her old shop, in 2003. Besides the location, EFC decided to keep her face that her patronage loves. 杨辉于2003年搬往现址的新店。除了位址外,杨辉仍保留了她旧有的面貌以讨好她的老客户、老朋友。
- The shop is having a sale to clear old stock. 为出售存货商店正在减价甩卖。
- That tall new building in the market square sticks out like a sore thumb among all the old shops around it. 商业广场的那幢新建筑坐落在旧商店的中间太不协调了。
- In a shift,the supervisor later recommended that supermarkets donate old shopping carts to the homeless. 作为一种应急办法,指导委员会建议超级市场把旧的购物手推车捐赠给无家可归者。
- In a shift, the supervisor later recommended that supermarkets donate old shopping carts to the homeless. 作为一种应急办法,指导委员会建议超级市场把旧的购物手推车捐赠给无家可归者。
- She says the new shop is every bit as good as the old one. 她说这个新店和那个老店一模一样。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- That old man is a fount of wisdom. 那个老人有无穷的智慧。
- The old farm has been split up into house lots. 这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。
- The old man stared the uninvited guest up and down. 老人把不速之客上下打量了一番。
- If there is really such a matter, did the state government appoint any experts to investigate the old shops in Miri? 如果真有那麽一回事,州政府有没有委派任何专家对美里市区旧店屋进行鑑定?
- I struck up a conversation with this old woman in the shop. 我在商店里与这位老妇人攀谈起来。
- That old so-and-so tried to urge me to steal money from that shop. 那个讨厌的老家伙企图要我去那家商店偷钱。
- It has a broad, tree-lined High Street with cool, cobbled courts leading off to intriguing old shops with bells at their doors. 这里有一条宽阔的大街,两旁绿树掩映,铺者鹅卵石的短巷凉爽宜人,古老迷人的店铺门口挂者铃铛,吸引着人们的好奇心。