- The old bridge gave away by the recent flood. 最近一场洪水冲坍了那座旧桥。
- The old bridge has been condemned. 这座旧桥已被宣告不能使用。
- He took a risk when he crossed the old bridge. 他冒险过这座旧桥。
- The old bridge is unsafe,it should be condemned. 这旧桥不安全应予废弃。
- This old bridge should be reinforced immediately. 这座古老的桥梁应当立即进行加固。
- The old bridge can only be used by light vehicle. 那座旧桥只能通行轻型车辆。
- The old bridge is unsafe, it should be condemned. 这旧桥不安全应予废弃。
- The old bridge went down with a crash. 那座旧桥轰隆一声倒毁了。
- The old bridge can only is used by light vehicle. 那座旧桥只能通行轻型车辆。
- The old bridge can only be used by light vehicles. 那座旧桥只能通行轻型车辆.
- The old bridge is made of stone. 那座古桥是用石头造的。
- They began to repair the old bridge long before. 很久以前他们就开始修复这座古桥。
- The old bridge has been shot away. 这座老桥给炸掉了。
- That old bridge is closed to traffic. 那座旧桥已经禁止通行了。
- Old Bridge next to a "toddler Handan" stone. 古桥旁边有一座“邯郸学步”的石雕。
- The old bridge was built in the late 1890s. 这座古桥建于19世纪90年代末。
- This old bridge can hardly bear up against the force of torrents. 这座旧桥难以经得住激流的冲击。
- Taking pictures of the old bridges, huh? 给那些古旧的桥拍照,呵?
- Only light vehicles are allowed over the old bridge. 只有轻型车辆才准许通过那座旧桥。
- The state is tearing down the old bridge in February next year. 国家计划在明年二月份把那座旧桥拆掉。