- One evening I gazed, hypnotized almost, into the black, oily water and was not immediately aware that a woman had joined me. 一天晚上,我正神情恍惚地盯着又黑又亮的河面,没有马上意识到一个女人已经来到我的身边。
- Function test of bilge oily water separator( sewage treatment plant, fresh water generator, incinerator). 舱底水油水分离器(水处理装置、淡装置、烧炉)用试验。
- Here is a blind flange at the clean water piping from oily water separator to sea. 从油水分离器出口通海管路上有盲板。
- Do you want to discharge oily water from slops tank? Yes, it will be discharged ashore also. 译文:你想卸污油舱的污油水吗?是的,也向岸上排。
- Function test of bilge oily water separator (sewage treatment plant, fresh water generator, incinerator). 舱底水油水分离器(污水处理装置、制淡装置、焚烧炉)效用试验。
- One evening I gazed,hypnotized almost,into the black,oily water and was not immediately aware that a woman had joined me. 一天晚上,我正神情恍惚地盯着又黑又亮的河面,没有马上意识到一个女人已经来到我的身边。
- This article presents the working principle,essential structure,function and characteristics of cyclone separator used in oily water treatment. 介绍旋流分离器在含油污水处理应用中的工作原理、基本结构、功能及特点。
- The oil sludge is burned out in the incinerator on board, and oily bilge water is separated with the oily water separator. 油渣在船上的焚烧炉中烧掉,油污舱底水则用油水分离器分离。
- Bilge water discharging in bow thruster should be complied with the requirement of pollution prevention, which should be discharge outboard in way of oily water separator. 侧推舱舱底水管路的排放应满足防污染的要求,其应经油水分离器处理后排舷外。
- Ma's doctoral thesis was titled, Trouble Over Oily Waters: Legal Problems of Seabed Boundaries and Foreign Investments in the East China Sea. 马英九的博士论文题目是,蕴藏油田的水域之困扰:海底界线和外国投资东海的法律问题。
- bilge and ballast oily water separator 舱底水和压载水油水分离器
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- Oily Water SeparatingFiltering Equipment 油水分离过滤设备
- He wears an oily old pair of jeans. 他穿着一条沾满油污的旧牛仔裤。
- I use an oily rag to clean my bike with. 我用沾满油污的碎布擦我的自行车。
- Fate of the oily water or waste oil 含油污水、残油处理去向
- The sparks set fire to the oily rage. 火花使浸透油的破布燃烧起来了。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- Putting water in brandy is sacrilege. 在白兰地中掺水是可恶的事。