- Saudi oil wealth is supercharging the distribution of the Koran. 沙特的石油财富也在加速《***》的散发。
- Ugandan president vows to invest in long-term goals to benefit future generations with prospective oil wealth. 乌干达总统誓言发展长期目标,以可观的石油资源利益后代。
- The company was thought to be relatively free from the corruption and cronyism that had spread through Venezuela, fuelled by oil wealth. 在委内瑞拉这个以石油财富作为推动力的国家,人们认为该公司基本不存在席卷全国的贪污腐败和任人唯亲等弊病。
- Thanks in part to its oil wealth, Norway is one of the richest nations in the world, with a generous cradle-to-grave welfare system. 挪威的石油是使这个国家跻身世界上最富裕国家的原因之一,她拥有从生管到死的慷慨的福利体系。
- It's hoped the deal will help resolve internal Iraqi disputes over the country's oil wealth. 希望此项交易将有助于解决伊拉克国内关于国家石油财富的争论。
- But his squandering of billions of dollars in oil wealth on patronage and personal comforts has tarnished his legacy. 但是,他把几十亿美元的石油财富挥霍在援助和个人享受上却玷污了他的政治遗产。
- He thinks Norwegians should use their oil wealth to tighten their belts in carbon terms, rather than bingeing. 他认为,挪威人应该好好利用他们自己的石油财富,来减少烟尘排放,而不是大度浪费。
- World Bank president Zoellick wants some of that oil wealth to be invested in Africa. 世界银行行长佐利克希望把部分石油财富投资到非洲国家。
- It has squandered its oil wealth in an effort to promote its hostile, anti-American vision. 委内瑞拉当局挥霍其石油财富,为的是推动其充满敌意的反美目标。”
- Norway squandered much of its oil wealth investing in new businesses that were founded by the relatives of politicians and bureaucrats. 挪威把他们从石油赚到的大笔财富投资到由政治家和官僚亲戚创建的新商业中。
- Norway is saving nearly all its oil wealth by taxing oil profits by 78 percent to build a huge national savings account for when the oil dries up. 挪威将石油收入的78%25作为税收,几乎储备了所有的石油财富,建立了国家庞大的储蓄,以备将来油田干涸之后之用。
- A windfall of federal cash spawns graft in much the same way that oil wealth or foreign aid can cause corruption in poor countries. 来自联邦政府的飞来横财孳生了腐败,就像石油财富或外国援助可以在穷国引发腐败一样。
- To many in the West, Russia's oil wealth is an addiction that has warped its economy.Russian energy czar Igor Sechin considers that envious nonsense. 他在首次正式接受国外媒体采访时说,俄罗斯的自然资源是天赐之物,应该有效使用,而一些人总是想把它们拿走。
- The government has channelled much of its oil wealth into handouts and subsidies, while its socialist policies have provided little incentive to increase production. 政府已经将其大量石油收入用于救济品和补贴中,可是其社会主义政策无法提供刺激来促进生产。
- Russia, Iran, and Venezuela have similarly used their oil wealth to build foreign alliances and bankroll clients abroad, particularly in their home regions. 俄罗斯、伊朗和委内瑞拉像是正在利用他们的石油财富建立外国同盟和海外资金代理人,特别是在他们本国的周边。
- He knows he must tweak the constitution to ensure an equitable distribution of oil wealth and to reassure the Sunnis that federalism does not mean the end of Iraq. 他清楚他必须修改宪法来确保对石油财富的公平分配,并使逊尼派明白联邦制并不会意味着伊拉克的终结。
- This country's wealth comes from its oil. 这个国家的财富来自石油。
- It expects to finalise a licence next month to operate in Angola, one of the world’s fastest growing economies whose burgeoning oil wealth has already attracted significant Chinese interest. 标准银行预计下月能最终取得一张在安哥拉的营业执照。安哥拉是世界上发展最快的经济体之一,它急速膨胀的石油财富已经引起了中国的极大关注。
- It is not the first declaration of war by MEND, which demands that more of Nigeria's oil wealth be invested in the region instead of enriching those whom the militants consider corrupt politicians. 这已经不是该组织第一次宣战了,该组织一直要求尼日利亚的石油财富应当更多地投资于产油地区,而不是让那些他们认为腐败的官员中饱私囊。
- To his harshest critics, he is squandering the nation's oil wealth, lavishing it on programs to boost his popularity and on allies abroad while crime and inflation remain rampant and unattended. 有一些针对他的刺耳批评,认为他浪费了国家的石油财富,在提振自己的声望和拉拢盟国方面投入巨资,但与此同时,这个国家犯罪依然猖獗,通胀居高不下。