- Oil revenue have rise with the rise in the dollar. 石油收益因美元增值而增加。
- Oil revenue has risen with the rise in the dollar. 石油收益因美元增值而增加。
- The government is short of money because of the falling oil revenue. 由于石油税收的下降,政府资金短缺。
- Its chief underpinning, oil revenue, has been hit by lower oil prices. 作为该国重要支柱的石油收入因油价下滑而受到冲击。
- A string of military rulers saw oil revenue as a source of patronage and a reward for winning office. 一批又一批的军事统治者们发现石油收入是恩惠的来源和赢得官职的奖赏。
- In the Publico report, Alkatiri said that in order to make the most of the flow of oil revenue, Timor would also have to do "homework. 葡萄牙日报的报道称,阿尔卡蒂里说,为了获得最大的石油收入,东帝汶必须做“家庭作业”。
- The other big non-OPEC exporters, Mexico and Norway, also seem unlikely to rein in exports at a time of dropping oil revenue. 墨西哥和挪威等其他非欧佩克石油出口大国看起来也不太可能在眼下石油收入下滑之际限制出口。
- MEND says it is fighting for a fairer share of the country's oil revenue to go to the dirt-poor people who live in the area. MEND说,他们是为当地穷困人民争取公平的享受石油收入的权利而斗争。
- King of Saudi Arabia(1964 - 1975)who used oil revenue to increase industrialization and improve educational and medical facilities.He was assassinated by his nephew. 费索沙特阿拉伯国王(1964-1975年),利用石油收入发展工业并改善了教育和医疗设施。他被其侄子杀害
- King of Saudi Arabia(1964-1975) who used oil revenue to increase industrialization and improve educational and medical facilities. He was assassinated by his nephew. 费索沙特阿拉伯国王(1964-1975年),利用石油收入发展工业并改善了教育和医疗设施。他被其侄子杀害。
- The government was short of money because of falling oil revenues. 由于石油收入的减少,政府资金短缺。
- That doesn't mean OPEC states don't have their bouts of bickering and failure to abide by production cuts over time -- as members try to protect oil revenue. 这并不意味着欧佩克国家在遵守限产规定时没有过争吵或是失败,成员国都希望保护它们的石油收入。
- It is based upon it, on the concept of maximizing oil revenue, and i titutional efforts in Timor-Leste, that we aim to meet the challenge of our social and economic development,“ Alkatiri said. 正是基于石油收入最大化的理念,我们通过不懈努力,迎接社会和经济发展带来的挑战“。
- Saudi Arabia estimates that OPEC, of which the kingdom is the biggest member, stands to lose at least $6 trillion in oil revenue over the next two decades if an effective Copenhagen deal takes effect. 作为欧佩克最大成员国的沙特阿拉伯估计,如果一份有效的哥本哈根协议生效,未来二十年欧佩克石油收入将经受至少6万亿美元的损失。
- The authorities, no longer torn between nurturing their NOCs and milking them for all they are worth, could concentrate on maximising their oil revenue through taxes and royalties. 有关当局,就再也不会在培养国有石油公司和从它们身上获得尽可能多的价值之中左右为难了。他们可以致力于通过税收和使用费来最大化石油收入。
- Militant groups frequently attack oil facilities and kidnap foreign workers in the Niger Delta in their fight to spread a greater share of the country's oil revenue to impoverished communities. 为了争取让尼日利亚贫困社区更多分享这个国家的石油收入,激进分子经常袭击尼日尔三角洲的石油设施,并绑架外国工人。
- A sheikdom and city of eastern Arabia on the Persian Gulf. The city is the capital of the federated United Arab Emirates. With enormous oil revenues, the sheikdom has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world. Population, 242,975. 阿布扎比阿拉伯东部波斯湾上的一酋长国和城市。为阿拉伯联合酋长国的首都。因为有大量的石油收入,该酋长国为世界上人均收入最高的国家之一。人口242, 975
- Venezuela, awash with oil revenues, even allows Colombians to use its social-welfare system. 大发石油横财的委内瑞拉甚至允许哥伦比亚人可享有本国的社会福利制度。
- Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez has been using oil revenues in an effort to build a following throughout the hemisphere. 委内瑞拉总统查韦斯一直在利用石油收入,试图在整个南半球争取对他的支持。
- He slicks his hair down with oil every day. 他每天搽油把头梳得光溜溜的。