- Pipeline pumps are increasingly doing useless work with the decrease of annual throughput in Renqiu-Beijing Oil Pipeline. 随着任京线年输量的逐渐下降,管道输油泵所做的无用功越来越多。
- oil pipeline pump 管线输油泵
- oil pipeline pump station 输油泵站
- The East-West oil pipeline is nearly half welded. 东西贯通的输油管道已经差不多焊接和铺设好了一半。
- The rebels had tried to sabotage the oil pipeline. 反叛者试图破坏输油管道。
- Long time corrosion fatigued the oil pipeline. 长时间的腐蚀使输油管道老化了。
- Magnetism driving pipeline pump for use in petroleum and chemistry industry. 石油化工用磁力传动离心管道泵的设计与试验。
- Application and Dissemination of Double-Vortex Seal in Pipeline Pump. 双螺旋密封在长输油泵上的推广应用
- The East-West oil pipeline is nearly half welded and laid. 东西贯通的输油管道已经差不多焊接和铺设好了一半。
- The operation actualities of Mahuining oil pipeline is introduced. 介绍了马惠宁输油管道的施工和投产后的运行现状。
- With 7 pump stations and 720 mm in diameter, the design transportation capacity of Daqing-Tieling Parallel Oil Pipeline is 45?04 t/a. 针对庆铁管道南三站加热系统在相同负荷下存在复线热媒出炉温度高于老线的异常现象,对该工艺系统进行了分析。
- A jointed tool for cleaning an oil pipeline and disengaging obstructions. 刮管器一种用来清洗油管和清除阻塞物的节状工具
- Situation: Terrorist forces have captured Alaskan Pipeline Pump Station at grid WA542679, with the intent of creating an environmental disaster. 恐怖份子占领了阿拉斯加管线泵站;想要制造环境灾难.
- The design of self priming centrifugal pipeline pump is discussed,the primary hydraulics and structure design formulas and diagrams are offered. 论述了石油化工用自吸离心管道泵的设计方法,给出了主要的水力设计与结构设计的计算公式与图表。
- The magnetism driving pipeline pump for use in petroleum and chemistry industry is a centrifugal pump with contactless driving realized by means of magnetism. 石油化工用磁力传动离心管道泵是利用磁性原理实现无接触传动的新型全密封泵。
- The oil pipeline terminates at a shipping port. Negotiations terminated yesterday. 输油管道到港口就到头了。昨天谈判结束了
- To meet the needs of transporting more oil in Ansai-Yan'an oil pipeline, the centrifugal pump sets used in the pumping stations along the line need to be modified. 针对安延线输送能力不能满足实际生产需要的状况,提出了对安延线各站输油泵进行技术改造的方案。
- Japan and Russia will also discuss the development and direction of an$11.5 bn oil pipeline from Siberia. 日俄还将商讨西伯利亚的115亿美元输油管道的建设与走向问题。
- An accurate prediction of wax d eposition in waxy cru de oil pipeline has significant impact o n savings,pipeline design and flow assur ance. 准确预测出含蜡原油管道中的蜡沉积对节约费用、管线设计以及确保管道安全输送有重要的意义。
- Japan and Russia will also discuss the development and direction of an $11.5bn oil pipeline from Siberia. 日俄还将商讨西伯利亚的115亿美元输油管道的建设与走向问题。