- ZLA serial also can be adopted as dryness equipment of electric facilities, and it can replace vacuum oil adding machine to implement vacuum oiling for electric equipment. 可作为干燥电力设备潮汽的干燥设备用,完全可替代真空注油机对电力设备进行真空注油。
- oil adding machine with attached oil meter 附带油量计加油机
- We've replaced the old adding machine with a computer. 我们用电脑取代了老式的加法计算器。
- You can reckon the marks with the adding machine. 你可用计算机把分数加起来。
- oil adding machine 加油机
- We reckon your pay with our adding machine. 我们用加法机计算你的工资。
- It possesses vacuum air bleeding and vacuum oil adding function. 具有对电力设备真空抽气和真空注油功能。
- In the seventeenth century an adding machine was invented. 十七世纪时,加法机被发明了。
- In the seventeenth century the adding machine was invented. 加法机是在。
- Adding Machine - This project can be used sa Adding Machine. 这个应用程序可以用来作为一个加法机。
- What do you know about sesame oil added to soy sauce! 你懂得什么酱油上浇麻油!
- French mathematician and philosopher; invented an adding machine; contributed (with Fermat) to the theory of probability (1623-1662). 法国数学家和哲学家(1623-1662);发明了一种加法机;(和弗麦特一起)对概率理论做出了贡献。
- PPD and the oil added with PPD are measured with gas chromatography. 析出的蜡与原蜡在碳数分布上有一定的区别,析出的蜡碳数呈双峰分布;
- A is an Abacus, the ancient Chinese adding machine which uses beads for counting. 是一个利用珠子进行运算的东西,叫做算盘,别看它不起眼,它可是古代中国最重要的,用来计算的工具。
- TILT UP to Andy at the desk, munching thoughtfully as he totals up figures on an adding machine. 镜头移向桌子旁的安迪,嘴里一边嚼着一边在计算机器上加数字。
- Light and fresh aromatherapy essential oils add a pleasant, calming effect. 清新淡雅的芳香理疗精油清具有舒缓怡神之功效。
- Many also have a numeric keypad on the Right, which looks like the keypad on a 10-key adding machine. 许多键盘的右边还有一套数值键,它们看起来就像10键加法器上的小键盘。
- A series of friction and wear tests were carried out on Si3N4 ceramic against metal pairs using a ring on block wear test machine, under paraffin oil and paraffin oil added with 0.5% ZDDP additive lubrication condition. 用环块磨损试验机,在石蜡基础油及石蜡基础油加0.;5%25ZDDP添加剂的润 滑条件下,对Si3nN4陶瓷-金属摩擦副进行了磨擦磨损试验。
- Nowadays, orris root is used as a fixative, which holds the scented oil added to pot pourri. 现今,鸢尾根被用作定色剂,它能够保存加入到香花壶中的香油。
- But it could perform 50 multiplications per second, a feat unmatchable by either a human or the latest adding machine. 但它每秒能演算50次,这是个人和任何最新的算术计算机均无法比拟的。