- By chemical deposition process,nickel electrode on PTCR ceramics of ohmic contact can be acquired at low cost. 用化学沉积法在PTCR陶瓷上制作镍电极可形成良好的欧姆接触,且成本较低。
- Another object is to dope large area amorphous semiconductor materials to form an ohmic contact with a conducting substrate. 另一个目的是掺杂大面积的非晶半导体材料,与导电基片之间形成欧姆接触。
- Au-Ge alloy has low contact resistance,and good stickiness with substrate.It is used mainly in metal/semiconductor(M/S) system to form ohmic contact. 金锗合金有着低的接触电阻及与衬底粘附性好等特点,主要用于M/S(金属/半导体)中以形成欧姆接触;
- We find this IMO contact film exhibits ohmic contact with low contact resistance after annealing under nitrogen ambient. 我们发现此种材料在氮气底下退火后,可以形成欧姆接触,并且有很低的特徵接触阻抗。
- The fabrication and reliability of ohmic contact on n type GaAs and fai lure analysis of GaAs MESFET based on ohmic contact degradation are reported in this paper. 报道了n型GaAs上欧姆接触的制备及其可靠性,以及基于欧姆接触退化的GaAsMES-FET的失效分析。
- The current-voltage curve was measured by a micromanipulator manual probe station,the result indicated there was an ohmic contact between titanium substrate and carb. 用半导体参数测试仪测得的电流-电压特性曲线接近线性,表明碳纳米管和钛片间近似欧姆接触。
- When growing silicide electrode, the thick silicide can punch through the shallow source and form Ohm contact with body below that has high dopant concentration. 然后生长硅化物电极,厚的硅化物穿透源区浅结与下面高浓度的体区形成欧姆接触。
- One of the important step of preparing diamond film capacitances is that the metal and diamond film form ohm contact while selecting the metal electrodes. 通过对比实验发现,影响焊接性能的主要原因是银电极与元件之间形成的非欧姆接触以及助焊剂渗入烧结电极时,电极表面产生的气孔。
- Ni is suitable to be the back electrode of CdTe solar cells. Its work function of 5.0eV is a little higher than that of Au (4.9eV), so it is easier to form Ohmic contact between semiconductor and Ni. 考虑到Ni的功函数为5.;0eV,比Au的功函数4
- Using the processes with lowest formed damage and AuGeNi/Au/GaAs ohmic contact, Al/AlGaAs Schottky barrier, polyimide pro-tecting film, we have developed the InGaAs/AlGaAs PM-HEMT. 采用低应力、低损伤工艺程序,以AuGeNi/Au形成源漏欧姆接触,Al形成栅肖特基势垒接触,聚酰亚胺介质为钝化膜,制成了InGaAs/AlGaAs赝配HEMT。
- The properties of the metal/semiconductor nanomaterials such as Coulomb blockade effect, Schottky diode behaviour, Ohmic contact property, and eletroluminescence property are analyzed in detail. 详细分析了此类纳米材料库仑阻塞效应、肖特基二极管现象、欧姆接触特性、电致发光特性等性能的特点。
- Study of Ohmic Contact to GaN HEMT Epilayers 外延材料欧姆接触的研究
- Study on the Ohmic Contact for p-Type Diamond p型金刚石欧姆接触的研究
- CW CO_2 Laser Alloying of Au-Ge-Ni Ohmic Contacts on n-GaAs 用连续CO_2激光合金化制备Au-Ge-Ni-n GaAs欧姆接触
- Keywords Ohmic contact;Photoetching;Epitaxial; 欧姆接触;光刻;外延;
- measurement of ohmic contact resistivity 接触电阻率测量
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- The switches close the contacts and complete the circuit. 这些开关可使接触器接通电流形成回路。
- That poor madam has lost all contact with reality. 那位可怜的夫人脱离了现实生活。
- For further information, contact your local agent. 要进一步了解情况,请与本地代理商联系。