- Come across now, I've asked for it often enough. 现在就拿出来,我已要过多次了。
- Come across now,I've asked for it often enough. 现在就拿出来,我已要过多次了。
- Often enough she can't read her own shorthand. 经常出现她看不懂自己的速记稿的情况。
- He didn't pass the ball often enough. 他没有足够频繁地传球。
- Often enough, apparently, to be worth repeating. 显然常常没有都做到,因此值得反复讲。
- However, this wasn't often enough for Brigid. 然而对布里姬来说,这样的时间并不够频繁。
- Often enough the fishing bosses drove us to the boats with whips. 渔霸经常拿鞭子把我们赶到船上去。
- Swallow the contents then throw the can away- that is the deal often enough nowadays. 喝完饮料,将易拉罐随手一扔了事,这样的情形随时可见。
- Such bound children were often enough cruelly treated. 这种被收养的儿童遭到虐待是常有的事儿。
- Or even, often enough, in other departments of the same firm. 甚至往往不能与本公司的其他部门的同行们进行有效的接触。
- We hadn't rehearsed often enough so I forgot my lines. 我们两个排练得根本不够,所以我忘了我的台词。
- I can't stress often enough the importance of physical exercises. 怎么强调体育锻炼的重要性都不为过(体育锻炼至关重要)。
- Since we had friends in common our paths crossed often enough. 由于我们有共同的朋友,我们的生活经常会有交集。
- Have we not been reminded often enough not to be rootless floating weeds? 不要做无根的浮萍,这话我们听得还少吗?
- If you don't practice your English often enough, one day it will become rusty. 如果你不经常练习使用英语,有一天你的英语会生锈。
- Swallow the contents then throw the can away - that is the deal often enough nowadays. 喝完饮料,将易拉罐随手一扔了事,这样的情形随时可见。
- Swallow the contents then throw the can away---that is the deal often enough nowadays. 喝完饮料,将易拉罐随手一扔了事。这样的情形随时可见。
- Angry and sorry that I didn't tell my husband and daughter often enough how much I truly love them. 恼火与内疚是因为,我没能更经常地告诉我的丈夫和女儿我是多么真切地爱他们。
- P.T. Barnum's successive hoaxes only brought him greater popularity, so long as he altered them often enough. 巴纳姆骗人的玩意,使他越来越受人欢迎;只要他经常变换花样就行。
- To determine whether online defragmentation is completing often enough, you can use Event Viewer to view Event 703. 若要确定完成联机碎片整理的频率是否足够,则可以使用事件查看器查看事件703。