- offshore wind structure 海上风力发电结构
- Its sails would fill with an offshore wind to blind us. 我们乘着一艘帆船离开海湾。
- The above researches enrich our knowledge of MLT wind structure and dynamics. 以上研究结果丰富了MLT层风场结构和动力学的知识。
- Can Satellite Sampling of Offshore Wind Speeds Realistically Represent Wind Speed Distributions? 离岸风速的卫星取样能否代表实际风速分布?
- A 3-D baroclinic ocean model is used to examine the influence of tide, offshore wind and upwelling-favorable wind on the river plume development. 摘要采用三维斜压海流模型模拟了潮汐混合、离岸风以及上升流风对河流羽流发展的影响。
- There is no offshore wind farm yet in the U.S., but the controversial Cape Wind project near Nantucket Island is moving closer to approval. 美国还没有离岸风电厂,但是颇具争议的、靠近楠塔基特岛的鳕鱼岬海上风电厂项目即将获得批准。
- ON, Germany's biggest utility, to link the world's largest offshore wind farm to the German power grid at minimal impact to the environment. ON的一个电场提供技术,以对环境的影响最低程度地把全球最大的海上风力发电场连接入德国电网。
- The effects of baroclinic on the wind structure and vertical motion in nonlinear Ekman layer are studied. 本文研究了斜压性对非线性Ekman层内的风场及顶部垂直速度的影响。
- This pod of bottlenose dolphins was leisurely surfing in the waves as the offshore wind blew against the incoming waves, creating an atmosphere that was most unique and magical. 当离岸风吹向迎面涌来的海浪时,这群宽吻海豚在海浪中休闲地玩着冲浪,营造出了一种独一无二、魔术般的氛围。
- The effects of non-linear advection on the wind structure and vertical motion in Ekman layer are studied. 本文研究了由于非线性平流作用所引起的对于Ekman层内风场及顶部垂直速度的影响。
- It proposes what it calls a Supergrid.This would link offshore wind farms in the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish, North and Baltic seas with customers throughout northern Europe. 该公司提出了一个所谓的超级电网的概念,该电网能够将大西洋、爱尔兰海、北海和波罗的海上的风能电厂与整个北欧的消费者们连接起来。
- In boundary layer dynamics,the eddy diffusivity is a important parameter for the wind structure in the planetary boundary layer. 在边界层动力学中 ,涡动粘性系数是影响边界层风场结构的一个重要参数。
- Airtricity is a fully integrated renewable electricity utility specialising in the development and long term ownership of onshore and offshore wind farms. 安粹风能集团是从发电到销售完全一体化的可再生电力供应商,专注于陆上及海上风电场的开发、长期拥有与经营。
- This study is important to understand the large scale solar wind structure in the heliosphere and the interplanetary space weather processes. 本研究对日球太阳风大尺度结构和行星际空间天气过程的认识有重要意义。
- An offshore wind. 离岸的风
- On summer days coastal regions often experience onshore winds which at night are replaced by offshore winds. 夏天,沿海地区经常白天刮海风,晚上刮陆风。
- China plans first offshore wind farm China National Offshore Oil Corporation plans to venture into renewable energy with China's first off-shore wind farm, Xinhua reported on Wednesday. 中海油计划开启首个中国海上风电项目新华社报道说,中国海洋石油公司计划通过开发中国的第一个海上风能发电项目来大胆介入可再生能源的发展。
- Coast Guard reauthorization bill that would effectively kill the first offshore wind energy project in the United States.The provision gives the Massachusetts governor the right to veto the wind farm. 由于该法案将授予麻州政府否决风场兴建的权力,而现任州长罗尼正是这项计画主要的反对者。
- Interest from large multinationals and other investors new to the offshore wind business is holding out a lifeline for an industry hit by a collapse in traditional sources of finance. 对于海上风力发电行业来说,由于传统的融资渠道崩溃,大型跨国公司和其它新投资者的投资兴趣成为了该行业的生命线。