- offshore geophysical survey 海上地球物理测量
- What are the procedures of geophysical survey by seismic method? 地球物理勘探中地震法的具体操作步骤有哪些?
- The technology of geophysical survey play a key role in preventing gas accident from occurring in the colliery in the past ten years. 近十年来地球物理探测技术为防止煤矿瓦斯事故发生发挥着关键作用。
- Microseismic monitoring technology is geophysical survey new technology , whose range and prospect are much expansive . 微地震监测技术是一门服务领域和服务前景十分广阔的物探高新技术。
- Ground penetrating radar (GPR), as a new geophysical survey eguipment, is applied in geotechnical engineering increasingly. 摘要作为一种新兴的地球物理勘探方法,地质雷达在岩土工程中的应用日趋广泛。
- The regional stratigraphic petrophysiacl column, which includes density, magnetic susceptibility, remanent magnetization, electrical resistivity and chargeability, has been set up to help geophysical survey in Hebei Province. 摘要主要介绍河北省区域地层密度、磁化率、剩磁强度、电阻率、极化率物性柱的特徵,其地层物性统计表可供河北省境内的重力、磁法、电法勘查使用。
- In this paper, the position, extending direction and attitude features of fault structures in the southern Lingdingyang sea area are studied by using the comprehensive geophysical survey data. 摘要利用综合地球物理调查资料研究了伶仃洋南部断裂构造的位置、延伸方向和产状特征。
- Marine Geophysical Survey Techniques and Their Applications to offshore Engineering 海洋地球物理探测技术及其在近海工程中的应用
- Transcontinental geophysical survey 横贯大陆地球物理调查
- Comprehensive Geophysical Survey 综合物探
- transcontinental geophysical survey (TGS) 横贯大陆的地球物理调查
- In the field, we found breaks and fissures of concrete wall on the Wanan river embankment along the surface scarps of the fault,consistent with geophysical surveys. 在万安溪河道附近,并没有线形崖的生成,推测是由于万安溪的河流侵蚀堆积营力大于断层抬升的速率造成。
- comprehensive geophysical survey method 综合物探方法
- environmental geophysical survey 环境地球物理勘查
- Geophysical survey in the coal mining area 采区勘探
- A ship that ran aground; a ship aground offshore. 搁浅的轮船; 在岸边搁浅的轮船
- Bozzo, E., Lombardo, S., and Merlanti, F., 1995, Geophysical surveys at the Poliochni Archaeological Site (Lemnos Island, Greece): Preliminary results: Archaeology Prospection, 2, 1-13. 陈浩维、高慧菊、何传坤,1997,透地雷达探勘埔里水洼窟考古遗址,国立中正大学地震研究所暨地球物理研究所、国立自然科学博物馆人类学组。
- Geologic radar was widely used in near-surface geophysical surveying, such as detecting subsurface mineral, movement anomaly, subsurface water pollution, ground pipeline, road bet etc. 探地雷达广泛应用于近地表地球物理中,如探测地下矿物情况、异常活动、地下水污染、管道、路基以及水下探物等。
- A small boat used to peddle provisions to ships anchored offshore. 小卖艇向在岸边抛锚的船只兜售货物的小船
- This survey is the work of a real professional. 这份调查是真正内行人做的。