- I have not yet been given official permission from the University for my leave from January1 to March31. 关于我在1月10日到3月31日期间离校的事尚未得到校方的正式批准。
- To give official permission for something to be done. 给予某人做成某事的正式允许。
- No official permission has been given for the event to take place. 这项活动未得到正式批准,不能进行。
- Official permission to be absent from work or duty, as that granted to military or corporate personnel. 准假能够离开工作或职责的正式许可,如给予军事或公司职员的
- I have not yet been given official permission from the University for my leave from January1 to March 31. 关于我在1月10日到3月31日期间离校的事尚未得到校方的正式批准。
- Official permission to be absent from work or duty,as that granted to military or corporate personnel. 准假能够离开工作或职责的正式许可,如给予军事或公司职员的。
- A top health official in Taiwan announced in October that the island-nation could not risk waiting for official permission from Roche. 一位台湾的高阶卫生官员在十月时宣布,台湾无法冒险等待罗氏药厂的正式许可。
- Zimbabwe's MDC opposition has to apply for an official permission to state election rallies or public meetings. 津巴布韦反对党民革运事前要申请官方同意才可以参加国家选举集会或是公众集会。
- A top health official in Taiwan announced in October that the island-nation couldn't risk waiting for official permission from Roche. 一位台湾的高阶卫生官员在十月时宣布,台湾无法冒险等待罗氏药厂的正式许可。
- Aung San Suu Kyi is charged with violating the terms of her house arrest for allowing an uninvited guest without official permission. 一名男子非法进入昂山素季房间,潜逃时被捕。昂山素季被控未经官方许可就允许不速之客进入房间。她最高可被判处五年监禁。
- Aung San Suu Kyi allowed an uninvited American man who swam to the house to stay two nights without official permission. 昂山素季未经官方许可,允许一名不请自来,游泳进入她住所的美国男子在她家停留两个晚上。
- He said: "The specialists have allowed me to train 100 per cent and I should receive official permission to play matches. 他说:“医疗专家已经允许我进行100%25的训练,而且我也受到了俱乐部官方参加比赛的许可。
- They are now seeking to put her in jail for up to five years for allowing an uninvited man who snuck into her house to stay without official permission. 现在军队谋求把昂山素季监禁五年,罪名是在未经官方允许的情况下让一名不速之客溜进自己的家中。
- Aung San Suu Kyi is on trial for violating the terms of her house arrest for allowing an uninvited guest to stay at her home without official permission. 昂山素姬被控因为在没有政府允许下让一名不速之客留宿而违反了软禁的限制。
- The second and more important experiment in British air mail transport took place in September, 1911, and was the first of its kind in this country to obtain the official permission of the Postmaster General. 美国的第二次也是更重要的一次试验是在1911年9月进行的,是英国这类试验中第一次得到邮政总长的正式许可的。
- The second and more important experiment in British air mail transport took place in September,1911,and was the first of its kind in this country to obtain the official permission of the Postmaster General. 美国的第二次也是更重要的一次试验是在1911年9月进行的,是英国这类试验中第一次得到邮政总长的正式许可的。
- The Nobel Peace Prize winner is on trial charged with violating the terms of her house arrest for allowing an uninvited American man to stay at her house without official permission. 这位诺贝尔和平奖获得者正在受到审判,罪名是违反软禁规定,因为她在未经官方许可的情况下允许一名未经邀请的美国男子在她住所停留。
- without explicit official permission. 没有明确的官方许可的。
- Official permission or power to do something 做某事的正式允许或做某事的权力
- official permission; an official representative. 正式许可;一个官方的代表。