- The President's official duties include being Commander in Chief. 总统的职责包括担任总司令。
- Official duties sat heavily upon the governor. 公务成为州长的重担
- His official duties kept him busy. 公务使他繁忙不堪。
- He is performing his official duties with clean hands. 他廉洁奉公。
- The President rs official duties include being Commander in Chief. 总统的职责包括担任总司令。
- We must follow the law and be strict in performing our official duties. 坚持依法行政,从严治政。
- He had managed to extricate himself from most of his official duties. 他终于摆脱了大部份公务。
- He's a member of good cadre, honest in performing his official duties. 他是一位廉洁奉公的好干部。
- The senior cabinet minister in the British Cabinet who has no official duties. 英国内阁中没有公务的高级内阁大臣。
- Qatar Airways provides free transport for cabin crew for all official duties. 卡航为乘务员的公务提供免费的交通。
- At present there are nearly 4600 law Taser use of their official duties. 目前全法有近4600支泰瑟枪用于执行公务。
- Supervisory personnel perform official duties according to law and are protected by law. 第十三条监察人员依法执行职务,受法律保护。
- Guns used for the discharge of official duties shall be manufactured by enterprises designated by the State. 第十四条公务用枪,由国家指定的企业制造。
- Perform the ceremonial and official duties of Head of State, including representing Britain to the rest of the world. 作为国家的元首,出席各种仪式并履行承担的官方职责,包括代表英国出访。
- Persons who use guns for the discharge of official duties must receive special training. 使用公务用枪的人员,必须经过专门培训。
- As civil servants, we take pride in serving the community and performing our official duties. 切实地执行税务工作,真诚地服务市民,是本局每一个员工的职责。
- No complainant shall be allowed to blockade or attack any State organ or intercept any vehicle on official duties. 走访不得围堵、冲击国家机关,不得拦截公务车辆。
- We will support the government in fulfilling its legal functions and performing its official duties according to law. 支持政府履行法定职能,依法行政;
- He conscientiously sat through the movies which it was one of his official duties to censors. 他尽责地从头到尾不离席地看完那些他职责上必检查的影片。
- Personnel dispatched by foreign governments to the ROC on official duties and their dependants and entourage. 二外国政府派遣来我国执行公务之人员及其眷属、随从。