- new offensive against guerrillas 针对游击队的新攻势
- He was still on the offensive against the sponsors. 他仍在攻击主办人。
- offensive against guerrillas 针对游击队的攻势
- The new general immediately launched an offensive against the enemy. 新任命的将军立即向敌人发起攻击。
- The Shining Path Maoist guerrilla movement advocated a general offensive against the State and its military power. 光辉道路毛派游击队运动号召向政府及其军事力量发起总攻。
- Our army made a fierce offensive against enemies. 我军向敌人发起了猛烈的攻击。
- The Allies opened a general offensive against them. 同盟国向他们发起总攻。
- The government has launched a new offensive against crime. 政府发动了新的打击犯罪攻势。
- They launched a fierce offensive against the enemy position. 他们向敌人阵地发起猛烈进攻。
- Second, fierce offensive against Wang Hao to win easily 11:3. 第二局,攻势凶猛的王皓以11:3轻松取胜。
- The new general immediately launches an offensive against the enemy. 新任命的将军立即向敌人发起攻击。
- The Japanese militarists started an all-round offensive against China. 日本的军国主义者发动了全面侵华战争。
- Some of those attacks were planned by guerrillas who managed to infiltrate Iraqi forces expected to take over the battle against guerrillas when U. S. troops leave. 这些攻击有一些是由游击队策划,他们成功渗透到准备在美军撤离时接手反游击队战役的伊拉克部队中。
- Some of those attacks were planned by guerrillas who managed to infiltrate Iraqi forces expected to take over the battle against guerrillas when U.S. troops leave. 这些攻击有一些是由游击队策划,他们成功渗透到准备在美军撤离时接手反游击队战役的伊拉克部队中。
- Russia's Defence Minister, Igor Sergeyev, vowed a merciless drive against guerrillas who used a holiday lull to inflict record losses on federal troops. 俄罗斯国防部长表示,由于叛军对联邦军队造成了严重损失,俄军将发动无情的进攻。
- Genghiz began his offensive against the Kin in the classical Mongol way by withholding tribute. 成吉思汗以拒不纳贡的蒙古传统方式开始向金发起进攻。
- The government hasordered its troops to launch the biggest offensive against the rebels. 政府已命令其军队向叛乱分子发动最大规模的进攻。
- In 1942, during World War Two, Britain launched a major offensive against Axis forces at El Alamein in Egypt. 1942年的今天,二战期间英国军队对在埃及的艾尔阿拉曼轴心国军队发动进攻。
- There is still no ending sign to the bloodshed as US-led troops continue a renewed offensive against resurgent Taliban fighters. 随着以美国为首的部队对死灰复燃的塔利班战士展开新一轮的攻势,流血还将继续。
- The town is near the district where the army is continuing an offensive against Taliban militants. 在发生该事件的城镇附近,军队仍在向塔利班武装分子发起进攻。