- the Criminal Offense of Embezzlement 侵占罪
- Study on Problems of Criminal Offense of Embezzlement 侵占罪若干问题探析
- On the Object of "Custody" in the Criminal Offense of Embezzlement 论侵占罪中"代为保管"的对象
- He was found guilty of embezzlement. 他被判盗用公款罪.
- She was found guilty of embezzlement. 她被判犯有贪污罪。
- A lot of embezzlement of public funds and supplies. 挪用了大量的公款和物资。
- Part One: Outline of the Crime of Embezzlement. 第二部分:侵占罪的犯罪构成,这是本文的核心所在。
- offense of embezzlement 贪污罪
- For example, the first offense of a crime may be a misdemeanor. 比如说,初犯可能轻判。
- For example, the first offense of a crime may be a misdemeanor . 然而,同样的犯罪,根据所犯罪的程度不同可能是重罪也可能是轻罪。
- The offense of willfully maiming or crippling a person. 身体伤害罪故意伤害或致使他人肢体致残的犯罪
- The criminal offense of marrying one person while still legally married to another. 重婚罪在与一人有合法婚姻的同时与另一个人结婚的犯罪行为
- Crime of embezzlement often occurs in the purchase of goods and materials,the offense methods often used are to change the amount of vouchers,to apply for repeated reimbursement and to fabricate business. 贪污犯罪常见于物资采购业务中 ,作案人常用的手段有变换单据金额、重复报帐、编造业务等。
- Case study on crimes of embezzling public money II. 挪用公款罪判解研究2。
- To commit the fraudulent offense of voting more than once in a single election. 重复投票在一次选择中违法性地多于一次投票
- The offense of persistently instigating lawsuits,typically groundless ones. 诉讼挑唆持续不断地挑唆诉讼(尤指没有理由的诉讼)的违法行为
- The offense of persistently instigating lawsuits, typically groundless ones. 诉讼挑唆持续不断地挑唆诉讼(尤指没有理由的诉讼)的违法行为
- He was found guilty of embezzling $150000 of public funds. 他被判犯有盗用15万元公款罪。
- We should be jealous of embezzling funds of corrupt officials. 们要警惕贪污分子挪用公款。
- He has been removed from office and prosecuted on a charge of embezzlement. 他营私舞弊, 已经被撤职查办。