- His explanation of this problem threw all the students off track. 他对这道题的讲解使所有的学生摸不着头脑。
- Moreover, once the market disturbance or early trip to face short-term resistance will be high off track stuck. 而且一旦市场风吹草动或行至前期阻力面临短线客离场便会高位套牢。
- One is that financial firms are careening off track, thereby costing taxpayers more and more bailout money. (Think A. 第一条:现在的金融机构有如脱缰野马,时间越长,将它们拽回正轨耗费的纳税人的钱会越多。(此处以A.
- At mid-point to 2015, it is clear that the MDGs are off track, but also that they need not be so. 至2015年时间已经过半,很明显,千年发展目标已脱离轨道,但它们不需要这样。
- This can help prevent you from getting off track and winding up with a disorganized, unfocused site. 这样可以避免给用户留下无序、令人印象不深刻的印象。
- Paraneoplastic syndrome causes the body's own antibodies to get thrown off track. |副瘤综合征使其自身抗体产生异常.
- He prods when the discussion does not go deep enough, intervenes when it veers off track, and mediates when it turns combative. 当讨论太过肤浅时,他会适时加以刺激;当讨论偏离轨道时,他会介入纠正;而当讨论趋于火爆时,也会居中协调。
- Maldini, Pirlo and Amoroso they went off track for some sprints, while the other players stretched and did strength training before ending in the gym. 马尔蒂尼、皮尔洛和阿莫鲁索在跑道上练习快速跑,其余球员在作完伸展运动后在健身房结束了训练。
- If intimacy is strained and the relationship is off track you may want to reconsider the value of your anger or self righteousness. 如果亲昵是勉强的(紧张的),而你们的关系偏离了轨道,你可能会想要重新考虑你的愤怒或自我的正确(无可指责)的价值。
- Frank: Wait a minute here. Let's not get off track and discuss everyone's job history. Let's stick to the discussion at hand. Do we need another training program or not? 等等。不要跑题,去讨论别人的工作经历。让我们回到要讨论的主题。我们需要一套新的培训方案。
- Theway out is to quickly and decisively break the pattern. Realize thatthe negative momentum is building and do something so completelyunrelated that you knock it off track. 唯一的出路是快速,果断地打破格局。意识到消极的势头正在形成,(你要)做一些完全不相干的、脱离正常轨道的事情。
- However, if the optical head is off track, then the center spot gets more light (because there are fewer pits off track) and the side detectors will be misbalanced. 但是,如果激光头脱离轨道,中心光斑将得到更多的光(因为光斑照射到少量的坑形部分)并且附加探测器将失去平衡。
- Since then,the company has made mistakes,sure--the design of its notebook computers got so off track at one point that Dell canceled most of the line,leading to the company's only quarterly loss,in 1993. 从那时起,公司曾犯下了某些错误,这是事实-笔记本电脑的设计在某点上脱离了常轨,使得戴尔取消了大多数生产线,导致了公司在1993年一个季度的损失。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- What you just said is completely off the track. 你刚才讲的话彻底离题了。
- One must learn to synthesize daily, connect to the healing temples nightly, and repair the field of missing records and information, or one will simply fall off track in their ascension. 你必须学会每日合成,晚间与疗愈圣殿连接,并修复场内遗失的记录和信息,否则你将完全脱离提升轨道。
- Unlike version 1.1, version 2.0 Does not allow you to turn off tracking by the just-in-time (JIT) compiler. 与在1.;1版本中不同;2
- The spies were finally thrown off his track. 他最后总算把那几个特务甩掉了。