- I hear Sound Street is going off air soon. 我听说SoundStreet即将停播。
- I hear Sound Street to go off air soon. 我听说sound Street即将停播。
- To extinguish(a fire,for example) by cutting off air. 封火,灭火通过隔绝空气来熄灭(如火等)
- To extinguish(a fire, for example)by cutting off air. 封火,灭火通过隔绝空气来熄灭(如火等)
- To extinguish(a fire, for example) by cutting off air. 封火,灭火通过隔绝空气来熄灭(如火等)
- The blades at its periphery throw off air centrifugally in a direction following the rotation. 轮周叶片将空气沿着转动方向抛离轴心。
- Shut off air supply, release pressure and disconnect air supply before disconnecting tool. 关掉工具前先关气、减压、和切断供气。
- We define effective lifetime of concentraed sulfuric acid used for washing off air in SO2 continuous sampling system of air pollution. 通过实验,确定了大气污染物SO2连续采样系统中洗气用浓硫酸的有效使用期。
- An Australian radio show has been pulled off air after a lie detector stunt saw a 14-year-old girl say she had been raped. 一家澳大利亚广播电台停播,此前播出过一个14岁的女孩使用测谎仪声称自己被强奸的节目。
- I am ashamed to admit I love all the trappings-saluting the generals, stepping off Air Force One, all that cool stuff. People announcing you whenever you enter the room. 我很惭愧地承认我喜欢所有权力的虚饰-好像“对将军们的敬礼”,“从空军一号下机(时受到的礼遇)”,等等的很“酷”的事情。进入一个厅堂是有人宣布你来临(不是很“酷”吗?)
- First to shut off air switch, open power resource switch, then start cyclone fan and electric heater, and check to insure no creepage then heat the drum. 首先合上空气开关,打开总电源以开关,随后开启离心风机,开启所需功率的电加热器,并检查是否漏电,如正常,即进行筒身预热。
- The address they mentioned was off the record. 他们提到的那个讲演是不可引用的。
- We also offer Air Tour complete package, please contact us for the airfare departing from SFO OAK LAX area. 若要包含机票,请与我们洽询有关票价。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- These remarks are off the record. 这些话是私底下说的。
- That station goes off the air at midnight. 那电台每天晚上12点停止广播。
- The spacious guest rooms at Iberotel Aquamarine are tastefully decorated and offer air conditioning and a private balcony. 每个房间都拥有自己的私人阳台或露台,还能够欣赏到海景。
- His latest record has really gone off with a bang. 他的新唱片销路好极了。