- He is feeling rather off colour this morning. 今天早上他觉得身体有点不舒服。
- I'm feeling rather off colour this morning. 今天早上我感到有点不舒服。
- You look a little off colour today. 你今天气色不太好。
- What's the matter with you? You look off colour. 你怎么了?你的脸色看上去很不好。
- Jo seems a little off colour today. 乔今天好像身体有点不舒服。
- You are off colour, you'd better take a rest. 你气色不好, 休息一下吧。
- The old lady looked a little off colour. 这老太太看起来气色不佳。
- You look a bit off colour today. 你今天的脸色不太好,
- That carpet is somewhat off colour. 那木匠身体不舒服。
- She has been off colour recently. 她最近气色一直不好。
- The jokes he told were quite off colour. 他说的笑话很下流。
- I'm sorry not to have contacted you sooner but I've been off colour for the last few days. 我很遗憾没有早点和你取得联系,不过前几天中我一直身体不舒服。
- Some of the patients have no obvioussymptom of abdominal pain, they only behave off colour, insomnic, tired, and so on. 临床表现为反复发作的下腹部坠胀疼痛、腰骶部酸痛,劳累或性交后加重,伴疲乏无力,或伴有低热。
- The gem is off colour. 这块宝石色泽不佳。
- She coloured faintly and seemed put off her stride. 她有点面红耳赤,看来被激怒了。
- I'm feeling a bit off colour. 我感到有点。
- You are off colour. 你气色不好。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。