- odontia deformans [医] 牙错乱形成
- Objctive To evaluate the value of CT in diognosis of osteitis deformans in craniofacial lone. 目的:为了探讨CT诊断颅面部畸形性骨炎的价值。
- In view of clinic a new pattern of formulation was put in for exploring medication tactics for arthritis deformans. 从临床出发提出新的组方模式,探讨治疗类风湿性关节炎的处方用药方法。
- The results showed that C. deformans was a forest pest greatly devastating in Gansu, and risk management on this disease should be strengthened. 结果表明,畸形金锈菌在甘肃省是接近于高度危险的林业有害生物,应加强风险性管理力度。
- Spondylosis, known as spondylosis deformans in dogs, is growth of osteophytes on the ventral and lateral surfaces of the vertebral bodies. 变形性脊椎病是脊椎的横向和纵向骨质增生。
- Result:Levamisole had a definite conspicuous curative effect on nematodiasis of intestinal tract,dermatogic disease,hematologic disease,type B hepatitis,tumour,hyperthyroidism and arthritis deformans. 结果:左旋咪唑除了用于肠道线虫病的治疗外,还适用于皮肤病、血液系统疾病、乙型肝炎、肿瘤、甲状腺功能亢进症、类风湿性关节炎等的免疫调节治疗,有一定的临床疗效。
- It may be caused by a fungus (e.g.Taphrinia deformans causes peach leaf curl), or by viruses (e.g. tobacco and cotton leaf cur) transmitted by insects such as whiteflies (Bemisia). 可能由真菌类引起(例如(畸形外囊菌引起桃叶卷曲),也可能由害虫传播的病毒引起(如烟草和棉花叶卷曲)如粉虱(粉虱属)。
- education for prevention and treatment of odontia 牙病防治教育
- myodystrophia foetalis deformans [医] 胎儿畸形性肌营养不良
- Heberden's polyarthrosis deformans [医] 希伯登氏变形性多关节病
- chondro-osteodystrophy deformans 畸形软骨-骨营养不良
- hyperosteosis corticalis deformans juvenilis 青少年骨外层变形肥厚
- Hyperostosis corticalis deformans juvenilis 幼年骨外周变形肥厚
- osteoarthritis chronica deformans tarsi 慢性畸形性飞节关节炎
- osteoarthrosis deformans endemica ; 英文: kaschin-beck disease ;
- Osteitis deformans in disease classified elsewhere 分类于他处的疾病中的畸形性骨炎
- Osteitis deformans without mention of bone tumor 未提及骨肿瘤的畸形性骨炎
- osteoarthrosis deformans endemica [医] 地方性变形性骨关节病, 大骨节病, 卡-贝二氏病
- osteochondritis deformans coxae juvenilis 幼年型变形性髋骨骨软骨炎
- osteochondritis deformans endemica 大骨节病