- ocular fleck 眼痣
- Can laser sweep fleck? Can you leave scar? 激光能扫雀斑吗?会不会留下疤痕?
- If go to beauty parlour fleck laser scar does? 如果去美容院把雀斑激光了有疤痕怎么办?
- How to treat senile plaque. Fleck? 怎样治疗老年斑.;雀斑?
- Ocular albinism impairs visual acuity. 眼部白化损害视力。
- Who has the fleck dog , I think of buy? 您的位置:凡人谷知道>地区>宁夏>吴忠市>谁有斑点狗,我想买?
- Operation of hyphema after ocular contusion. 挫伤性前房积血的手术治疗。
- And every fleck of russet showing clear. 每一道红褐的斑纹清晰可见。
- Of or relating to the eye;ocular. 眼的,与眼有关的;眼睛的
- Of or relating to the eye; ocular. 眼的,与眼有关的;眼睛的
- Be sure of it; give me the ocular proof. 相信它;给我可见的证据。
- Most of adult diplopia were ocular dyscinesia type. 主要为眼肌运动障碍性复视。
- Clearly,ocular,assort the documents in order. 明快、直观,资料分类井然有序。
- The garlic moss has no the yellow fleck and other virus. 蒜苔无黄斑点及其它病毒。
- Every fleck of light reminds me how much I've yet to see. 每一点光芒都提醒我世界万千,没看到的还很多。
- The first is a handful of ocular diseases like pigmentary glaucoma. 首先,改变眼部黑色素的是眼部疾病,如青光眼(患者瞳孔内出现青绿色的反光)。
- Can use at acne, speckle, fleck and lose one's hair. 可用于粉刺、褐斑、雀斑及脱发。
- Accordingly, garlic can prevent and subsidiseSenileSpot, fleck. 因此,大蒜可以防止并消退老年斑、雀斑。
- Objective: To treat the ocular surface disorders of chemical burns. 目的:观察因化学性烧伤后的眼球表面疾病治疗效果。
- Ocular involvement in Hansen's disease (Leprosy) is common. 摘要本篇报告一例麻疯性葡萄膜炎的病例。