- 8154 Model CFR Octane Number Analyzer System 8154型CFR辛烷值分析器系统
- Support Vector Machines for a NIR Spectroscopy Gasoline Octane Number Analyzer NIR汽油辛烷值测定仪中的支持向量机方法
- Aplication of Homemade Online Octane Number Analyzer in Reforming Device of Guangzhou Petrochemical Filiale 国产在线辛烷值分析仪在广石化重整装置的应用
- octane number analyzer 辛烷值分析仪
- An octane number. 一个辛烷值
- It explains the theory that higher octane number gasoline is demanded with engine's compression ratio increasing. 阐述了随着压缩比的提高,发动机所需汽油的辛烷值也随之提升的原理。
- In the reforming operation a light hydrocarbon feed isomerizes on contact with a suitable catalyst to produce gasoline with a higher octane number. 在重整操作中,一个轻质烃类进料与一个合适的催化剂接触而异构化得到具有高辛烷值的汽油。
- The higher the octane number, the greater the antiknocking function of the engine. 辛烷数越高,引擎的消震功能越强,高级油比较能够保护汽车引擎。
- Hydrodesulphurization technology could effectively decrease sulfur content in gasoline and octane number loss. 加氢脱硫技术能够有效降低汽油硫含量,减少辛烷值损失。
- To increase gasoline octane number and produce high quality gasoline is an important task for oil refining industry . 提高汽油辛烷值,生产高品质汽油是炼油工业的重要任务。
- The statistical data showed that the octane number of MIP naphtha was higher than that of FCC naphtha. 统计数据表明,MIP系列技术的汽油辛烷值明显高于FCC汽油的辛烷值;
- Variations of the reformed C5 yield and the product octane number with reaction conditions were analyzed. 分析了重整C+5产品收率与产品辛烷值随反应条件的变化规律。
- The development of blended ingredient of gasoline of high octane number is outlined. 文章介绍了高辛烷值汽油调合组分的国内外发展情况。
- Relations of good catalyst performances,product slate,octane number of gasoline and catalyst/oil ratio were discussed. 指出渣油裂化一般采用氢转移活性低的催化剂,这种催化剂需要在高剂油比下操作;
- The determination method of gasoline rating units is the only reliable method to measuring octane number of gasoline. 汽油辛烷值发动机引法法测定法是目前唯一可靠的辛烷值测定法。
- As a gas additive, DMC can increase the octane number and oxygen content and improve the knock value. 作为汽油添加剂,DMC可提高其辛烷值和含氧量,进而提高其抗爆性。
- The experiment shows that the measurement accuracy is about±0.5 number compared with octane number of gasoline on market. 实验表明,与市售汽油辛烷值相比,测量精度可以达到±.;5个标号。
- To ensure the octane number of blended gasoline accurately, an optimal control system has been developed, its method is fit for China. 为了保证汽油调合辛烷值的准确性,在减少辛烷值浪费的同时避免因辛烷值低于标准值而造成质量事故。
- The results indicate that the ignition delays of combustion increase with the increase of the octane number and the decrease of the cetane number. 计算结果表明,随着燃料十六烷值的增加,着火延迟期减小;随着燃料辛烷值的增加,着火延迟期增加。
- With the development of motor industry and increase of sense of protecting environment,each country proposes higher request on octane number. 随着汽车工业的发展及环保意识的增强,各国都对汽油辛烷值提出了更高的要求。