- The first large-scale sea-going ship with DP system, which is designed and configured self-reliantly in China, is the R/V DaYang YiHao, an integrative oceanographic research vessel. 在我国也引起了重视,国内第一艘自行设计设置动力定位系统的无限航区大型船舶是远洋科学考察船“大洋一号”。
- Chinese oceanographic research vessel codes 中国海洋调查船代码
- oceanographic research vessel 海洋科学研究船
- Hsin, Y.-C., C.-R. Wu , and W.-D. Liang (2004): Surface circulation in the East China Sea, Workshop for 2004 Oceanographic Research Programs, Taiwan. 吴朝荣、卢鸿复、辛宜佳(2004):海流资料同化技术在近海监测系统之应用。台湾海域作业化波流观测技术研讨会论文汇编。交通部中央气象局。
- The Great Lakes Laboratory, also stationed at the college, employed a licensed boat captain to man its research vessel. 大湖实验室同时也设在这家大学,并聘请了专业的持照船长来驾驶实验室的研究用船。
- In Acapulco Harbor, amid the white yachts, R.V.Pacific Storm stood out: a working boat, black hulled, a West Coast trawler in a previous life, reborn now as a research vessel. 在亚加普科港的白色游艇之间,太平洋风暴号显得格外醒目:这艘工作船有着黑色船身,原是美国西岸的拖网渔船,现在则是研究船。
- With more attention paid to the study of the inshore shelf oceanography, China has established a multidisciplinary oceanographic research system with regional characteristics. 中国海洋科学研究以近海陆架区海洋学为主,已经形成了具有区域特征的多学科的海洋科学体系。
- A free-diving, self-contained deep-sea research vessel consisting essentially of a large flotation hull with a crewed observation capsule fixed to its underside, capable of reaching depths of10 kilometers(6.2 miles) or more. 深海潜测艇一种能自由潜入,能够人为操控的深海探测潜艇。上由一个大型外壳和固定在下面的探测舱组成,以便工作人员观察,能够到达十公里或更深的海底
- With more attention paid to the study of the inshore shelf oceanography,China has established a multidisciplinary oceanographic research system with regional characteristics. 中国海洋科学研究以近海陆架区海洋学为主,已经形成了具有区域特征的多学科的海洋科学体系。
- A free-diving,self-contained deep-sea research vessel consisting essentially of a large flotation hull with a crewed observation capsule fixed to its underside,capable of reaching depths of10 kilometers(6.2 miles) or more. 深海潜测艇一种能自由潜入,能够人为操控的深海探测潜艇。上由一个大型外壳和固定在下面的探测舱组成,以便工作人员观察,能够到达十公里或更深的海底
- ORB (Oceanographic Research Buoy) 海洋学研究浮标
- ata reduction system for oceanographic research 海洋研究用的数字、模拟和数据转换系统
- Terminology of oceanographic research ships 海洋调查船术语
- oceanographic research equipment 海洋调查设备
- Joint Oceanographic Research Group 联合海洋研究组
- National Oceanographic Research Center 国家海洋研究中心
- Scripps Tuna Oceanographic Research 斯克里普斯·塔纳海洋学研究所
- Shallow Water Oceanographic Research Data System 浅水海洋研究数据系统
- Deep Submergence Research Vessel 深潜研究船
- Analog-to-Digital Data-Reduction System for Oceanographic Research 供海洋学研究的模拟-数字数据简缩系统